Yamaha Customs
Yamaha Virago and Star range etc.
1,318 topics in this forum
I have just changed the starter clutch on my 1100 Dragstar and have managed to mess up the timing on the back cylinder by relying on a Haynes Manual!!! Fortunately I have not broken anything!!!! I'm assuming that when aligning the timing dot on the gear behind the rotor with the dot on the bottom camshaft gear and the woodruff key slot on the rotor, the dot on the top camshaft gear should align with the notch on the head so that they are all inline? I can't seem to do this with the camshaft drive gears even though the camchain has not been removed! Am I trying to align the marks incorrectly?
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morning all, has anyone ever ridden a bike with this sort of modification or configuration, or even better has anyone done or ridden this on a dragstar? http://www.customcruisers.com/custom2005/c...arget=d475.html I'm tempted to add it to the list of things to get done to mine / new one, but am wondering whether this is a form over function type sacrifice - whether its a cool look (to some) but ruins the rideability and feel of the bike etc thought i would throw this one out there to see what people thought? thanks, dan
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I purchased a Virago 500 ($200US) over the weekend and I have been trying to get it started all week. Here is what I have done. 1. Pulled Tank and Cleaned 2. Pulled Carbs and Cleaned Twice (Not very dirty but did see some trash) 3. New Plugs (Autolite 64, gap 30) Note: Compression (both cylinders Cold) 125 PSI I can get the bike to fire with using starter fluid or a squirt of gas thru in to carb. So I believe that is telling me that the ignition is fine and none of the safety switchs are failing . I am getting fuel to the bowl, so that is telling me that everything from that carb input to the tank is working fine. It seems to me that the carb is not allowi…
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I am 5'7" and would like feed back re. brands, height, quick release systems, etc. Thanks
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Hi just got myself a dragstar but it just needs finishing off at the back. I have not a clue were to look or buy one from anyone got any ideas or links
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I am after a solid stainless steel rear wheel for my Dragstar and some boomerang handlebars - anyone know where i can get them from? Cheeyars.
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i have a dragstar xvs 125 and was wondering has anyone ever pulled the engine out and upgraded it to a bigger one. does anyone know if it is possible for a start. i have a dream, after seeing the bobber bikes in BSH magazine, was wondering if anyone has bobbed or chopped an xvs 125. if you have i would be interested in speaking to you. i hope this is not too much of a stupid idea, but i love the bike...
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Good Day All, I am a newbie to all this so let me intro myself. 50 something happily married woman living on South Coast. Kids all grown up and just achieved a lifetime dream by passing my test in May and now proud owner of 2007 650 Dragstar. I wonder if anyone out there can advise me on replacement pipes to make her sound a bit louder, more as a safety precaution than anything else. Have tracked down some Vance & Hines Cruzers which appear okay but am not sure if this is the way to go. My technical knowledge on bikes could be written on the end of a matchstick! Hubbie does not "do" technical/mechanical. Any advice would be most appreciated. Thanks very muc…
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Morning all, I've had my dragstar for about 3 months now, daily commute to work, and everything is going brilliantly - still got my ninja but I'm really enjoying this other style of biking too. I've decided not to spend any money I don't need to on the bike, and get an 1100 later this year (hopefully), but one thing I really want to sort out is the front end grip - its terrible! I'm hoping its just down to tyres, I wasn't clever enough to make a note of the tyre on there now but I wondered what front tyres you lot run and if anyone else has this problem too? At the moment the slightest thing - including the road markings like white lines etc, cause the wheel to m…
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While I was driving my Yamaha '88 route 66--after it had been sitting for 8 years--the headlight got extremely bright and blueish-green... then cut off. Now I have no light, starter, blinkers, etc. (it blew the 20 amp fuse, and I replaced it-still nothing) What happened? -Ryedude
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hi does anyone know where the cheapest place to get a sissy bar for my xvs 125 is. Also i have seen some adverts saying that the xvs1100 sissy bar will fit the xvs 125!!!? does anyone know if this is true..... cheers
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hi im a newb to this site im an expat living in holland and in the process of buying a 400 dragstar has anyone any info on this bike the 400 looks the same size as the 650 the bike is a 2000 model only done 3700 miles its as new any info would be good
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Hello, We are huge Yamaha fans at the moment with the release of the Yamaha Road Star Raider. As we really liked the Warrior style bike, because it was similar to the Mean Streak. The Raider seemed to give more of that Chopper/sporty look. We've started on a few products for this bike, with more to come. For those that have visited our site before... Thanks for checking us out! The New Chin spoiler fairing is now available in the factory colors! Ride Safe, LM www.LowandMean.com
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Can anyone put me on the right track to find someone that can sell me a new or late model Yamaha Virago 250 in the Gensan or Davao or koronadal city areas. I would like to have the accessories for the bike as follows: Sissy bar , Dust Cover and the XV 250 Classic V Screen. I would like to have this bike before the end of the year Please email me full price and Pre order payment details. Koronadal City phone Erlinda 83 2282 118 or email Casey at, [email protected]
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Have been looking at a 125 dragstar today with a view to buying it. Its a german import. Apart from the speedo, is there any other differences that i need to know about??
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1st off hi all. im Kroony from Australia I have a XVS 650 and was doing some cleaning on the weekend. I decided to take off the air filter cover and see if the air filter needed cleaning. When i took the cover off a larger blob of oil fell out that was sitting in the cover. Unfortunately is was the last thing i did so after hours of polishing all the chrome under it it got covered in oil. I was just wondering should i be concerned that oil is somehow coming out of the air intake? its done about 14,000k and this is the 1st time i have ever taken the cover off, i got the bike at 9,000 and im not sure what happened b4 that. Any help would be awesome thanks?
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Hi Could anyone give me an idea of where to start with getting to the bottom of this terrible noise that has started whenever I select 5th Gear?? I have a 98 XVS 650 Dragstar, all other gears are fine and there is no loss of power either. Was told I was selecting 5th too early??? tried higher revs and makes no difference. Could it be the Gearbox bearings? I'd like to know before I take her off the road and start stripping it down, as she is my daily ride. The gear selectection is fine, oil, filters etc all changed. Any advice would be great Cheers Ultravixon - newby today!! Love the Site
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Well............... I picked up my new XVS650 DragStar on Good Friday morning and I’ve already covered a few hundred miles. I'm really pleased with her even though she has a few snagging issues, one being that every now and again she loses power from the battery, this is temporarily solved by removing the battery cover and tugging on the negative lead a little bit until power is restored. There are no loose connections so I wondered if just greasing up the terminals might solve this?? Any suggestions? The other problem being that she has aftermarket pipes fitted, they look and sound the tits but Oh My God they are loud!!! Didn’t realise quite how loud until I’d co…
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just wanted to know if there are any good sites to get custom parts for my bike thanks chris
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Hi I want my Yamaha XVS 250 Dragstar to sound better than the quiet hair dryer sound it makes now and sound more like a harley/bigger engined bike. Now I know absolutely nothing about exhausts, but does anyone know how I can achieve a better sound? Im gonna throw in words like baffles, slash cuts, down pipes, exhausts, silencers, drag pipes, full system... Anyone know what I could get and where from? Hope you can help me Cheers Max
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