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DT125 Lights Im just wondering if there is any way i can change my lights to run from the battery than running from the engine.... at tickover you can hardlly see the lights :shock: Any help appreciated jon
- 8 replies
Hi All New here. I had my DT stolen from my garden a few days ago and it was recovered today. It now has no headlight fairing, petrol tank cap, mirrors, number plate or working key barrel, stupid little thugs. :cry: . They have cut the 6 wires leading from the key barrel as well as smashed the key slot with probably a hammer and screw driver. Also took the time to whack the petrol tank many times so it now has mucho paint missing. The bike starts up from the kick start but none of the lights are working. :cry: Is it really so easy to start the DT engine just by cutting those wires? I believe my DT to be a 1990 or 1991 model (first registered in …
- 12 replies
Hi All, I have currently, just been given a 1990 DTR125, its originally from Switzerland, it was purchased by a friend of mine when we were working out there back in 1998, and since bringing it back on a trailer in 1999, its never been used. Its been stored in a garage for the last 5 years due to work commitments overseas. Anyway, back to the bike. I have a friend who has got the bike up and running, and tells me I have been given a great bike. I have ordered a new air filter for it, and need to get a new battery. What is the going price for a new battery.? The bike has the push start. (sorry if all 125's have this, im not too up on bikes at the minute)…
- 22 replies