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MT-10SP, MT-10, MT-09SP, MT-09, MT-07, MT-03, FZ1S, FZ1N, TDM900, XT660, XJ6S, XJN6N, FZ6S, FZ6N, Scorpio

  1. Started by SHAAGAR,

    :amb :amb :amb :amb :amb :amb :amb :amb :amb :amb :amb :amb Evening everybody hope all are ok. It looks like my vacuum tap on my 96 yzf750r has decided to give up the ghost and i'm am finding it hard to get a overhall kit for it,Yamaha want £85 for a new tap and they don't do a kit for one,and it seems that scrap yards have none at all or they want stupid amounts of money for one. Do any of you out there no of anybody who sell's a kit for one or have one knocking about,or do any of you have any tips on how to fix it. Cheers for any help. [-o<

    • 0 replies
  2. Started by YZF6R,

    What's the normal water temperature for this bike? After a hard run and cruising around town (Air Temp 20C) the bikes cooking my legs and is running at 108 C. It's a 2003 with only 3000 Klm, on it and has developed a noise in the engine. The dealer thought it was a clutch noise, so they replaced one plate. Noise still there, so they decided to replace the complete clutch. Picked it up yesterday and the bloody noise is still there. Now I'm really pissed, because the dealer wrench wizards will be pulling the engine apart, starting Monday. I thought these motors were bullet proof? Any thoughts from anyone.

  3. Started by Checa,

    Hi all...I wondered if you could offer any advice or info? My son's pal has bought the above bike which is in a pretty tatty state. I wondered is there any where that a workshop/owners manual for it can be downloaded? It is years since I had any dealings with a two stroke and would appreciate a bit of a hand in helping the lad out! The main things we need to clarify are the following: 1.Am I correct in assuming that if looking at the bike from the back, the reservoir to the left is for the 2 stroke oil? 2. The reservoir to the right is the expansion chamber for the cooling system? 3.Assuming I am correct with Nº1, this does appear to have some oil in but yet the o…

  4. Started by YamaHead,

    .....I finally got a new rear tire.......especially when the old one was 75% used up when I bought it for only $20, last November! :shock: but I gotta say this new Dunlop GT501 is thee tire for the Maxim 8) ......gives excellent feedback & a well planted feel :tu Now I just need to get the matching front tire to go with it :wink:

    • 8 replies
  5. Started by eder,

    Hi does anybody know of the cheapest place to get a seat cowl for a 2004 R6. cheers ,,,,,,,,,mark

  6. Started by supeRDerek,

    Superbikes are at Castle Coombe circuit this weekend. Only 4 miles from me. Anyone coming Look out for my RD400

  7. Started by axl,

    Where can get some stuff for them, anyone know?, y'know plastics, engine parts ect, is it mostly engine stuff that make's it the SP. Or is there some frame trickery too, well the site I was just on said the seat rails were raised, thats obviously what some's done to mine. But apart from that is that it!, I think I asked this before not sure :dunno Shit sorry guy's,my mistake :oops: , I thought it said "higher seat rail's", it doesn't it said "lighter". It was the way it looked on the site cause there was a backgound on it.

    • 2 replies
  8. Started by Jaycee,

    Hi Anyone know where I can get a fuel tap for a 1989 DT50? My nephew needs one urgently.

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  9. Started by Jaycee,

    Hi there, My Nephew has got himself a 1989 DT50.......does anyone know where I can get a replacement fuel tap please? We really want this one on the road as it is his first bike. Jaycee

    • 0 replies
  10. Started by robing,

    i want to dump the exup. without the cables connected i dont get the 7000 tango but when i check the cables and see theyre free and re-attach then the tango returns. i have the high level titanium full race oval and would like to keep it. are there any companies that make replacement headers without the EXUP. Micron do two but i'm not sure if they'll marry up to my current pipework. anyone have any experience of this. Robin :wink:

    • 0 replies
  11. Started by Rich,

    Got my EXUP pretty much sorted now, valve clearances done, exup valve sorted and set up, carbs balanced etc. In town though, I find second gear a bit tall for some really slow corners, especially up hill? Below 25mph, second gear is about 2000rpm and the bike tends to chatter below this speed if the throttle is wound open much :? Is this normal? Apart from this she rides very nicely and goes really well. Cheers :wink:

    • 6 replies
  12. Started by axl,

    Is it posible to run the YZF750 without it, eg just puting an ordinary pipe on, and if you could what adjustments would have to be made, just curious!

    • 11 replies
  13. Started by debz,

    Can anyone recommend one?

  14. Started by JohnR6,

    Hi Guys, I've been looking at these 2 bikes as a possible first bike when I pass my DAS......you think it's a good sensible choice as a first bike? Anyway, I was thinking maybe I could ride one of these for a year or so and then trade it in for an R6. I need some help in deciding whether the naked FZ6 is better or the Fazer 600? They both look cool in it's own way but I just can't decide which one I should consider? :? Which one whould you go for?

    • 18 replies
  15. Started by pedro3785,

    Hi. I have recently purchased a FZR600 '90 model, and the rev counter dont work!! Are there any known problems with this model. I have a 3HE model and the CDI unit i believe is the wrong one. Its number is TID 14-82, which i think is of a 1000cc model. Should this be a problem for the running of the rev counter? Are there any tests i can perfom to prove whether its the CDI unit or the rev counter at fault? Been told to take a pulse test but what does that mean? Cheers Peter

    • 1 reply
  16. Started by LNicholson,

    :x Recently an idiot 200lb friend of mine decided to get on the back of my R6 by putting all his weight on the left pillion footpeg, there was a rather sickening creak and now the rear frame seams out of alignment. With the bike on a paddock stand I've measured the distance from the floor to the footpegs and also from the floor to the luggage pins and the bike is 4mm lower on the left side. Has anyone else had this problem? Do I need a new subframe? Can it be straightened? If so, can I do it myself as I'm a competent mechanic? Rest assured I gave my friend a good kicking. R6's rule!

    • 3 replies
  17. Started by pjones_po,

    All, I know I shouldnt be asking for encouragement with this BUT me and my best mate who rides an S plate GSXR600(yes I know dont insult it lol) have been taking a bit of footage of each other riding, nothing spectacular but because I have quite an expensive digital camera he wants to get a shot of us both popping a wheelie, not one of those 30 second ones you see on clips but just enough for a decent photo of us both with the front wheel in the air. My question is this, I cannot seem to get the front end up on my FZR600R at all, at least not using the technique that he uses. I appreciate that I am an unexperienced rider though. His technique is to ride along in 1s…

    • 14 replies
  18. Started by XT Alan,

    Today I had a look at a new Blade sitting alongside an R6 in David Jones' showroom. The Blade is tiny :shock: , the R6 is, physically quite a bit bigger. The build quality of the Blade also seemed inferior to the Yamaha, particularly the quality of the paint and plastics. Times they are a changing! Only a midget could possibly be comfortable on the Blade.

    • 1 reply
  19. Started by steve_in_scotland,

    Hi, I do 100 miles a day commuting on my lovely 1997 XJ600S Divvy. Its a great bike, good to ride, very reliable, and economical. My bike still has the original 4 into 2 exhausts and both the 2 into 1 bits have rotted and just started to leak. I am thinking of replacing the whole exhaust systeme with a Motad 4 into 1. Has anyone else done this and were there any problems? Cheers Steve

    • 5 replies
  20. Hi i finally have the right place! can anyone tell me anything about modified or race spec cdi for the R1. There is one on e bay at the mo but i assume he knows as much as me about them! So the question is what to they do ! how can i tell if its the real thing. Sorry im a bumbleing newbie and posted this in the gallery ! Hope you all wish me well on saturday as i go to pick up my latest baby a YAM TDR 250 i will be travelling 300 miles back to plymouth on saturday i will be starting from plymouth at 12 getting up to chesterfield at 5 and riding the tdr back arround 5 30 hoping to get in too plymouth about 10 30. I think this will be a great way for me and the yam too…