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Hello again, Following on from my last post about zorst, rearsets and the paint job I've had done. I take a pillion almost every time I go out, who likes the grabrail that I had fitted. Unfortunately although the said rail is very practical (Renntec) it is a bit unsightly and I don't want to put it back on my newly painted baby (YZF) Would a small trick rail from another bike fit, even though I know that I'll have to extend the subframe somehow. Any one with experience of this or good ideas please help as it's doing my head in. Rob......... :cry:
- 0 replies
hi all, was just wondering if any1 knows where i can get some relativly cheap parts for the bike i just bought??? it cost me 700 quid, but now i got it home, and had a good look i know i need some bits ie: chain & sprockets, tyres, carbs need synchronising!!!! and a good bloody service bet that'l cost a bit?? and also while im on one! has any of you owned one of these and if so was it a pain in the arse to start after its been stood a few days?? as i think ive found a cure for it! any info any1 may have will b appreciated cheers........
- 3 replies
Hi ,any body know if a single seat cowl from a 1989exup will fit a 1988 genesis.Thanks
- 1 reply
I've got an old YZF 750r and after many years have decided that I love the bike but I could no longer live with the colour (Barbie Cocktail) So, respray!, Shakey at Supanova has done a fantastic job. Fools and their money are easily parted so, I am now looking for an after market can and rearsets, both of which I don't want to break the bank Any help would be much appreciated.
- 4 replies
hey everyone, i am new here, just bought a 1997 yamaha yzf-600r thundercat. i am a Yank as it were, and since there isnt a big following of the thundercat across the pond, i figured i'd try here. if anyone has any info on how to make the thundercat better, stronger and faster, i'd love to hear it. got pics of it as it was when i bought it (soon it will be all blue) at thanks for any input! sorry if my english is a little different!
- 13 replies
For the 1st time since 2000, Yamaha is jumping back in the WSB ring for '05 8) Andrew Pitt did 75 laps @ Valencia on the Upgraded machine....... I'm looking forward to seeing some more Inline4's take it to Ducati & their grip on that series. :wink:
- 6 replies
Check out for motorcycle parts, accessories and apparel. You can view thousands of products, which include product reviews and installation tips posted by fellow motorcycle enthusiasts!
- 2 replies
A mate is looking for a pipe for his FZR1000, he's looking at micron etc.. Any comments on said subject and preferred pipes for the FZR. Cheers - J
- 1 reply
Am looking at getting a TZR for my birthday, but would it be worth paying a little bit extra for the 250 ready for when that restrictor "falls off" :shock: Basically, would it give me the extra performance to justify paying the extra?
- 22 replies
any one got a good barrel and piston for a 1989 dt125r ? or any idea if any later than1992 barrels will fit ,mine is seized solid ,it is a bike i bought like it
Looking for an aftermarket can for my 03 R6 but I don't want to have to auction off a kidney, any suggestions?
hello peeps, does any one know exactly how loud an exhaust can be? ta very muchly spirald
- 2 replies
Anyone any experience of clutch slip on the thunderace and is it expensive to replace. Oddly enough it only seems to slip when cold.
Hey .. i am going to put a slip-on on my '99 r6 what kind of slip-on has the best sound and look's .. ?
- 2 replies
Does anyone have a GYTR pipe on a 03/04 R6? Does it sound decent and or did you have to install a power commander?
- 0 replies
...& their interchangability 8) Just got on the road yesterday morning @ 4AM, headed for work as usual.....when I noticed that my headlight was off! :shock: ......pulled over straight away & tore it apart, only to find that the fuses & bulb were still good :? (had just replaced the bulb only a month ago) I limped it back home & actually Drove my truck to work......which bugs the sh*t outta me So when I got home, I went through what spares I have left (from my old XJ550) just to see if I could pinpoint the prob. I've got an old fishing tackle box stuffed full of various electrical parts that I've been collecting over the years.....which I was g…
- 5 replies
I'm planning to put a YZF600 Thundercat ('98-'03) front end on my RZ350 and am wondering what parts interchange with R6 (more people must fall off R6's as there are way more used parts out there). I guess what I'm after is; -Can I put a Thudercat wheel in R6 forks? -What are the axle diameters? -Do R6 calipers bolt on to Thundercat forks ('98-'03)? Thanks
- 0 replies
Took my EXUP for a dyno run today. It's all standard apart from a K&N filter element. The power is measured at the crank (not sure why they do it this way but they do) so allowing about 10% for transmission losses it's doing about 125 at the wheel which is good enough for me. The tester did comment that it's running very rich and sooty - something like 7.5%co (should be nearer 1.5) which is probably down to worn emulsion tubes in the carbs but said it's still making lots of power It's an 89 model with 28k on the clock.
- 3 replies