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Everything posted by gazad

  1. gazad replied to gazad's post in a topic in The Bar
    am going to west gate tommorow m8 so i'l have a look about cheers bud :wink:
  2. gazad posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    hi everyone i just sold/swapped my £230 seat ibiza for a 400exup and am just wondering what they are like??? it is red and white, and has 40k on the clock and has clocked up 100 miles per year for three years the lad says it will need sprockets and chain doing in about 1000 miles and a back tyre for its test not a prob as he says the front sprocket hasnt bin welded on like my 600 :evil: but it sounds ok so i thought id ask what they are like??? cheers
  3. gazad replied to mozzy's post in a topic in The Bar
    go mozzy, go mozzy, kick their asses m8 :wink:
  4. gazad replied to mozzy's post in a topic in The Bar
    top comment!!!
  5. gazad replied to mozzy's post in a topic in The Bar
    fair play ardon hes got a point about the two twelve year olds fillin u in m8 :shock: , i aint bin on ere long or even heard of u before but though it was really funny ffs lolol
  6. gazad replied to mozzy's post in a topic in The Bar
    ssssooooo ur a bit of a :^o , thing is y lie what do u gain from it? get a life :loser
  7. gazad replied to mozzy's post in a topic in The Bar
    :shock: Hey hang on a minute whats wrong wiv runnin wiv the hairs n hounds like???:shrug , u aint one of these anti's r u?? if u r :finger
  8. gazad replied to gazad's post in a topic in Naked
    cheers fellas, ive allready done the oil coolant etc and have just finished the fork oil change, i'l c 2mora if it stops the excessive play!!! none of the internals looked to bad howeva the drain plug on the left fork had been bodged back on (the head had snapped off the little torx bolt) and i guess it now needs drillin out?but it aint leaking so it'l get left alone till i decide to renew the springs on them, next job is that bodged front sprocket :evil: , change the rear sprocket and the chain then 2 tyres as i couldnt resist burnin the back one out (it was knacked anyhow) and fingers crossed that should be that [-o< .......................
  9. gazad replied to gazad's post in a topic in Naked
    i thought id just use this thread to post this, so here goes have any of you ever used power steerin fluid to top your forks up??? as the tit i got this off has!!!! what a :fit :evil: :evil: , so do you think it will of knacked the fork seals? if it aint one thing its another wiv this :cuss bike!!!!!!!! any one wanna buy an fzr 600??? will be like new when i ever get it finished???? ](*,) cheers
  10. gazad replied to gazad's post in a topic in Naked
    beez m8 he says its worth 4200, id be paying the grand total of 2230!! not 3500 just incase u thought i was gunna pay 4200 for it, he wouldnt have a chance im a tight arsed git
  11. gazad replied to mozzy's post in a topic in The Bar
    well people, i think u r all mad i got banned and its shit! im still banned now and it shit! i dunno how ive managed for a whole year nearly,shit just shit oh an did i mention its shit being banned!!!! the thing i dont get is why people think its dead gud cause it aint, its SHIT and i hate it!!!!! :oops: nit of an emotional outburst oh well differant people differant views i spose thats what makes us individuals!!!!! :wink:
  12. gazad replied to gazad's post in a topic in Naked
    i went to have a look at it, it is definatly worth the 4200 quid, so really i should buy it and sell it on but i dont know, my fzr is old but i love it to bits even though the front sprocket nuts bin welded on :evil:, so for all this brit bike is sayin yeh i feel guilty bout getting rid of my baby yam!!! aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhh i still dunno what to do :?
  13. gazad posted a post in a topic in Naked
    i have just been offered a 2002 triumph 600tt, yellow wiv yellow screen, full race exhaust (manifold- end can), solo seat conversion, 6K, tested yesterday, and all the standard stuff too for about 2k + my seat ibiza i payed £230 for what do u all thinki should do?? he says it is worth £4200 but i dont know what to do as i dont know how much bikes are worth??? help i have to go look this afternoon cheers
  14. gazad replied to gazad's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    well thanx alot guys it was cause the stand was down :oops: what a cretin i am!! , it was driving me mental though and to top it all off i decided to see what state the front sprocket was in and as a cruel twist of fate its been bloody welded!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: , not a happy bunny so it can just bloody stay on till i sell it on!!!!!!
  15. gazad replied to gazad's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    aaahhh i never thought in a million years it may have something to do with that :!: :oops: , i will try it with it up and have a quick scout about for any sort of wiring to do with it and let you know cheers :wink: fingers crossed it will sort it
  16. gazad posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    right i have just replaced the fork seals on my fzr 600, put them back on my bike and now when i start her and stick her in first,second etc she just dies there's no other way ro describe it :?. I am wondering if the jobsworth cable attached to the thingyme bob,(jobsworth cable i think is the speedo cable that attaches to the thingyme bob, front left of the wheel) if i put this in those grooves but the wrong way round would it cause the bike to do this or do you think its the clutch thats knackered? it aint slipping though??????? aaaaarrrrrhhhhh its doin my head in any ideas please help b4 i burn her!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
  17. gazad posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
  18. gazad replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    yeah ok , soz beez m8 i was only messin wi ya :-# ,:wink: , oh right i c now, :-k cheers i feel ive bin enlightend :!: :rah
  19. gazad replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    well what the hell are the dg bones on a bike m8 ???? (i aint gotta clue in all honesty!! :oops: )
  20. gazad replied to gazad's post in a topic in The Bar
    as advised i may know me way around a spanner i went for broke on my baby today, checking the valve clearances, what a complete pain in the arse it was! nah it was easier than i thought it would be and only took a couple a hours, bollocks to paying 500 quid the fiddly bits were trying to get the rad and rocker cover past the front mud guard wiv out scratchin it :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: , to me it looks like its had a new head on it as the cams had tippex on them, there was no play at all in the cam chain and everything looked brand new even the little of the head i could see looked as though it had been shot blasted it was that clean , the plugs 134 were fouled up so i definatly think i need the carbs synched up and apart from that the only other thing i found wrong were the front forks the seals are perishing and there's a hell of a lot of travel in them up and down. i'll have to get me idiots guide out again, but has anyone ever stripped and rebuilt them are they easy and are the parts readilly available for them cheers peps :wink:
  21. sorry unmutual,i dont agree wiv most of the negatives how can you call all people lazy bastards (yeah i know quite easily :wink: :wink: ) :roll: , but the idea of the workshop referance sounds like a great idea. (speaking for myself) if you had one informing peps of the above mentioned threads, it would save you all gettin your noses outta place when sumone like me joins the site asking daft/simple questions! sometimes people only ask cause they aint got a clue where to look, i mean i didn't before i asked you lot!!! i for one would be quite willing to stick sum photos of the shite i find wrong on my bike (bear in mind i ain't ever done nowt my fzr 600 before only thing ive ever touched wi two wheels was a ktm 250 mx i bodged together n sold, fast but what a piece of shit!!), but i'd still do it, then once its all done if people ask questions tell them to look in the referance area if they still ask, THEN call em lazy, ingnorant bastards an tell em to piss off n buy a idiot manual (haynes) an do it themselves!!!!! saves a lot of time repeatin answers to questions as sum1 mentioned!!!!
  22. gazad replied to Ardon's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    i got a question then, instead of pissing about messing on lifting callipers up an all that shit, y dont you go to halfords get a hose clamp, pump the piston outta the calliper, clamp the hose to save the fluid, if the piston is siezed, clamp the hose and remove calliper from the bike, leave to soak for 24hrs in a tub of wd40, duck oil or whatever takes your fancy put it back on the hose attach to your bike loosen clamp and pump away keepin an eye on your fluid! i bet u it comes out! saves prattin about tapping it and mig'in it cause you can guarantee u'll end up wiv a pin hole and won't be able to find it!!! for bleeding re-attach everything leaving the bleed nipple open, top the fluid up and leave the top off the reservoir, the fluid will seep outta the nipple and the air will too, thus you only need to close and open the nipple twice between two pumps voila job done!!!! :wink:
  23. gazad replied to gazad's post in a topic in The Bar
    cheers bud thanx for that
  24. gazad replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:56 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What sort of dog are they from from the sounds of it, 35mm a jack russel probably!!!! :wink:
  25. gazad posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    allright folks? don't suppose any 1 knows where a m8 of mine can get a yam 250lc rear shocker (ifany of you have a spare one lying around) from cheap, or anywhere that can rebuild it for him :?: cheers