Everything posted by the TDR man
Pet Hates (Drivers)
forgot to mention... big issue sellers. "got any spare change" beggars. bastards!. scousers. trafic wardens. taiwanese pistons. bus drivers. cheng shin tyres. young kids in the parts dept. that think nothing existed before the R1 and R6. shopping with women. christmas jumpers. nosey neighbours.
Pet Hates (Drivers)
chavs, especially those with big loop ear rings. billy bullshi***rs. without bikes. bmw drivers. (scum). vauxall nova drivers. (bigger scum). scousers. taxi drivers. warm guinness. text messages. sales men. should be shot. twice. politicians. anne robinson. plastic faced old boot.(and shes a scouser). boy bands. girl bands. whitney houston.
LC club helpline
you dont know him that well. keep an eye on new members joining after the date he was banned. you will be able to pick up on his unique "style" of knowledgeable biking anecdotes. reminds me of "ritchie rich" from filthy rich and catflap.
LC club helpline
LMFAO. jmw. the school spoon. billy no mates. less popular than the ginger kids!!!!!
The number of the beast.
wadda ya mean ??? full of maggots ?
For Whom The Bell Tolls!
i take it he is now a "banned bikeless bullshitting buffoon".
JMW it's official
well said that man. weve got enough shit to sling at him without resorting to his level of insults. (ie:paedophile slurs).
Big Wave
probably because she couldnt afford the full "£1100 for a month in hell".
Big Wave
caught out again. what a beauty. probably had their own plane, cause if there mates of jmw, they must be millionaires. liar liar, pants on fire. oh yes indeedy.
How to keep Marchy busy
aye. and its knee deep in bullshit.
JMW it's official
hey fatty, i thought youd have included a picture of that old restamped nail of yours in that reply.
JMW! Time to pay the Piper!
yeah, but jmw has no mates, or bikes.
JMW! Time to pay the Piper!
JMW! Time to pay the Piper!
what have i been telling you ????? jmw. all filler, no killer.
Dear moderators
bikeless bullshitting bufoon/bastard/bumboy. take yer pick. rayjay, you have been found out.
Big Wave
bit of a coincidence that you allways have a "buddy" thats just come back from the latest disater etc. there are lies, damn lies, and jmw stories. mr pinochio. billy bullshit. walter mitty. aldridge prior. rayjay speak with fork tongue.
Attachments and ignoring idiots
doesnt have what ? a friend or a bike ??? and where did you post all these pics jmw? i recall 1 picture of an old rg500 taken from auto trader. dont be spoutin yer lies on here little boy. dyno day ? pity no ones ever heard of it ?. care to name where it is ? liar liar, pants on fire.
Snow !
Council tax and how the feds spend your doe...
stop telling lies pinochio. you dont pay council tax, as your an unemployable chav scum dosser.
Joke Video - no not u JMW!
whats with the ducks ardon ?. i thought sheep were your bag ?.
coppers are fekin wankers
coppers are fekin wankers
well, where do i start. no one on the rd site has ever seen him on a bike. he cannot prove he's got a bike as he "doesnt do rallies and shows". he will not post a picture of himself and a bike. but thats his privilage, and who ultimately cares ????. but then, all this dyno work he claims he has done... cannot name the shop where he has done it. check out his dyno figures???? ask gavin, he has some serious flaws in his alleged dyno results. made up ??? surely not. LOL. he talks a good talk to the unknowledgeable, but when his facts and figures are analised by the clever ones, his arguments and postings fall to bits. a bit like a 12 month old kawasaki. dont even ask about the "better than HRC pipes" or the "titanium gearbox". or his latest wailings, "ceramic bearings". hey, we all bullsh*t, its human nature, but this guy has some serious mental health issues. paranoia ????munchausens by proxy ?. he has gone past bull sh*t. he lambasts the disabled biker, and the less able members of our society in general. again thats his right to free speech, but criticise him, and he's off crying to the site owners or moderators. free speech for all, if you happen to agree with him. just check out the rd site. he's been/is on the rgv site, the nsr site, basically anywhere he can troll and bullsh*t his way into favour. he is the original school spoon. billy no mates. walter mitty. pinochio. bullsh*t billy. if your not carefull he will turn you all against each other and wreck this site, just like he has on aleks forum.
coppers are fekin wankers
oh dear. jmw spouting his rubbish again. i notice he's not been on aleks rd forum too much lately. seems he's found a new bunch to bore to death. he has never been banned for speeding, as he has never owned a bike. its all made up in his head. he even posts pictures of bikes that he claims are his. a very mentally disturbed individual.
Just sharing this with you.....
oh dear. he really cant help himself can he.