Need float needles (or assemblys) for XS360 1U4
Need float needles (or assemblys) for XS360 1U4
Did I detect a hint of sarcasm? Well... allright. I did (eventually) write them and there is an uncomplicated workaround. In the meantime though, I'd found (reasonably priced) suppliers on the 'inside' of the EU, which means I don't risk my goods get picked out by the Danish Custom Authorities and taxed beyond the price a national reseller would expect - and probably adding several weeks of red tape. Thanks, Per.
Need float needles (or assemblys) for XS360 1U4
Thx, nice site, but it's still going to be a shoot in the dark - here's why: The valve seat that should fit the 1980+ 650s (they supposedly went from BS38 to BS34 that year) is push type; mine is threaded. If I crossreference with oldbikebarn.com theres no seats listed for the 360 and the float needles listed for the 650 is clip type. And while oldbikebarn has needles for the 360, they haven't got the seats. I've been back and forth between those sites, cmsnl.com and 'XS Part number finder' and is now settling for the Valve and seat ASY# 1J7-14190-20-00. When I retire this bike I'm going to make sure the next one is a model with well-documented parts (publicly avaliable lists) and that I'll be able to actually find the parts for it - it's been a bl**dy nightmare! I might even consider a - *GASP!* - Güllepumpe! Per
Need float needles (or assemblys) for XS360 1U4
Hi, I've been unable to find a supplier that lists both my XS360 1U4 model and the float needles I need. Desperate, I decided that I'd chance it with carbscapital.com.. but the AVS failed, as I was required to supply a 'state/province'. We've got no such thing in Denmark. Alas, can anyone in here help my out? I've got my eye on part# 168-14190-20(00) but I've yet to see a parts list, so any input would be welcome. It's the original BS34 (type 1) carbs. On an aside: Is there any chance that I can get away with mounting pod-airfilters or would that require some further mumbo-jumbo (like rejetting or whatever)? They are much easier to come by than the originals.. Cheers, Per.
Any specs. for replacement bolts/fasteners for xs360 caliper?
Hi, >sorry, I meant a local yamaha dealer. I called one of the most well-established Yamaha-dealers (I work in the capital, Copenhagen), but without a partnumber he couldn't do anything, apart from rummaging through used parts in a box. And - he let it slip, that he's got no way to crossreference. >www.cmsnl.com dutch site mail order Yup - found it half an hour before I noticed Your post - after way to many hours sifting through no-good'ers. Seems an excellent site. >you can also try some rd aircooled online shops as some early rd had the same caliper. >Sr 250 and Sr500's also have the same caliper. Excellent tip! Did anyone compile such knowledge in one place? If so, I'd be happy to provide some space for a mirror - if not, I think I might better start using some of those dearly bought, never used, gigabytes. >try german ebay shops (www.ebay.de) and use google online translator to decipher what is being >said or look at the pictures!! It's mostly part-names that defers(?) my knowledge of german, but I actually came across a (possibly discontinued) german site, with a german<->english partlist; "Hauptstäender" = "Centre stand". If anyone want it, I'll dig it out again. If so, would there be any place in particular to post it? Tchüss, Per Termark
Is xs360 "compatible" centre stands available somewhere?
When I looked at the piece that came off, part of the surface that should have been either grey or rusty, looked like it had never been attached to anything - so You might be right. Drewpy posted a "part pusher"-link, that I'm gonna look into, although this very evening, my step-dadinlaw (wussname?) offered to weld mine (I haven't got a welder - yet!). - I know from experience that the repair, when done correctly, will often outlast the original, so, if You have any way to get someone to weld a new lever onto the stub, get it done - it'll probably cost You a fraction of the price of a new one. Cheers, Per Termark
Is xs360 "compatible" centre stands available somewhere?
Hi, I must've flipped the wrong driver "the bird" - probably a mr. Murphy, 'cause I just found out, that my centre stand have quit. Rust. Wiggled the lever a bit and.. it came off. I've yet to come across a dealer, who even lists the part number and the company who sold it to "CF" back i '78 told me they'd tossed all the '360 spares a few days ago. Any help would be highly appreciated - I don't care if it's OEM, aftermarket, "bamboo" or whatnot - the side stand doesn't look like it's up to do the long-term service, it's never been intended to do. Kind regards Per Termark XS360 (1U4)
Any specs. for replacement bolts/fasteners for xs360 caliper?
Hi drewpy, thanks for taking the time. >you can either get one from Mr yamaha, (for the 9 or 6) or go to local shop and buy a normal high tensile steel bolt. I guess that refers to the site(s) mrcycles.com/mryamahaparts.com? -Never heard of the guy, but I didn't find anything there - though I'm sure it might be there, if I only knew what to look for! *G* As to the local shop: Hardware-shops are scarce here-abouts - they're run out of business by huge DIY-stores, whose philosophy seems to be "One bolt fits all". No 1.25 pitch bolts there - I checked. Apart from that, all the good stuff (documentation-wise) is written in either english/german - possibly french - and although I'm not completely illiterate, my native language is Danish. And so is that of the guys in the DIYs, so asking for "high tensile steel" might be pushing it. -Or the steel-savy employee might ask me "Would that be by the A4 (VA4), 8.8 or perhaps a 9.4 grade ISO/DIN standard, sir?" and I'd go: "No habla Metallurgy, senõr". Well, we've got a friend, who's an auto-mechanic who _just_ might have a likely part - if not, I'm of to the "tasty nuts"-site - this one looks like it might do the job. (How did they come up with that site-name?). >people use stainless which is not as ductile (ie the threads don't stretch as much to hold the part on) "No habla Metallurgy, senõr". This stuff's got a learning curve like linux. Steep. And I suffer from vertigo. Enough ranting for now. Again, Thanks for taking the time. Per Termark
Any specs. for replacement bolts/fasteners for xs360 caliper?
Hi, hope one of You gals/guys can help. The What: Bolts for securing the caliper to the front fork: M10x35, pitch 1.25. But no specs regarding strength or material. -Oh, theres a mark on the top: "9" (or "6" - if You prefer). :-/ I've found a lot of offers on the net, but most seem undocumented, when it comes to decide, whether it's suitably strong or not. I simply don't know enough. The Why (You can skip this, unless You /really/ want to know, how I made a complete arse of myself - and maybe nearly turned myself into pulp): The day after a (successfull, albeit late!) swap of the front fork oil seals, I went my merry way to work and back. On the way back, doing 70 mph, something hit my shin, then sommersaulted up and away. I thought some unfriendly thoughts about people with trailers, that fail to secure their load. I reached home - and found out I must have forgotten to fasten the bolts, that fix the front caliper to the fork. The remaining one could be pulled out by hand. 'nuff said. That's all folks! Per Termark, Herfølge, Denmark
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