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Everything posted by mr-fast-bike

  1. Not quite true about WWII: we won Battle of Britain, and we kicked the Enemy out of Africa, and without your military help. You seem to think you won the war for us, as if you did the UK a massive favour because it couldn't look after itself?! Putting aside the massive human sacrifice of WWII (both Brits and Americans), who do you think came off better? America or Britain? I've heard figures quoted that say America was nearly twice as rich after the war, than it was before the war. Before WWI the UK was more powerful than the US, and most of that power was used up fighting the wars. Fact is Britain had the guts to declare war on an evil and powerful power that was swallowing up a whole continent, and for many years, the Island of Britain was the only thing that stood between Nazism and Europe (Do you think for one second Hitlar would have stopped there?). We too could have stayed out of the war, as we didnt have to declare war you know. if the Japanese didn't attack pearl harbour, US may have let the situation get ahead of themselves, the Russians may have lost to Germany, and Germany would have gained enough resources to easily crush the US. Maybe the Nazis would have got the atomic bomb before the US, as they were working with heavy water. We did plenty to disrupt their scientific research so they didn't get that technology. They were even working on long range missiles, so they could have launched them right at America if they were allowed to get that advanced (you only had until 1945 to defeat them!!). So you should be grateful that Britain stood up to the Nazis, rather than trying to turn things to make it look like you did us a massive favour. Your country played a part in the war, and anything else is fantasy. Its one thing for you to say we couldn't have crushed the Nazis without American resources, but its another to say you won the war!