- Yamaha DTR 125
Yamaha DTR 125
thanks martin ure a star
Yamaha DTR 125
it just that the bike is new and only done 500 miles and i was told u need to change it for the 1st time, or is that wrong, the bike is registered 2008, its 3 years old and has sat in storage for being transferred to the states, but that fell thru. cheers, derry
Yamaha DTR 125
i take it thats a no to the 2stokr in the petrol tank then lol gotta start somewhere tho lol lol
Yamaha DTR 125
fanx, btw wheres the oil filter, can i ask another nub queston, i've been putting in the 2 stroke in the white plastic fingy, should i also mix 2stroke in the petrol tank as well, excuse the niavity
Yamaha DTR 125
Yamaha DTR 125
Hi, im being a total noob, but can somone give me step by step instructions as to how i go about it too how much oil i put in, i know the sump has to come off, do i flushed new oil thru and then refill, but how much..... kind regards, Derry
Help! Pure Frustration!
i've flooded my 2stroke dtr 125, any ideas how to get this baby up and running again, your thoughts would be much appreciated. many thanks
Help! Pure Frustration!
hi im a total nub when it comes to bikes, how do i drain the float bowl?
Help! Pure Frustration!
i've flooded my 2stroke dtr 125, any ideas how to get this baby up and running again, your thoughts would be much appreciated. many thanks
Hello! Can anyone help? I have flooded the engine of my brand new dtr125, any ideas on how to get it running again?
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