Best Cleaning Products & Engine Oils
Thanks for the reply guys, will keep that in mind, & muc off it is, with a splash of WD-40 i guess on the next clean, Q: any Idea's on the wax based chain lube & what type of results it would give as opposed to the flick off from the spray on chain lube i have been using? Also.. it seems i have missed out on part of the topic.. Q: any recommendations on a good 4 stroke engine oil? i have heard about various engine oils that are good for this & good for that, but what have you used or found works better than the rest & is worth paying just that little bit extra for? ... * i was once told by a guy that there is a form of 4-stroke engine oil that he uses on his go-cart & apparently runs really well but cannot remeber the name of the oil he used.. now being sceptical & new to biking, i wont take risks on using things i know nothing about especially if it will do more harm than good any idea's? Thanks again for your posts guys i appriciate it
Best Cleaning Products & Engine Oils
Wow, Guys thanks for the posts so far, its interesting to know everyone has different techniques in looking after their pride & joy. Hi oldgitonbike & thanks for the welcome never used WD40 on my bike before as i thought that stuff was just good for around the house & pedal bikes but im willing to give it a go, thats what this post is about, learning something new. Ive not heard of the Solvol Autosol before but have plenty of elbow grease expirience my service is due on me bike in the next 2 weeks so ill ask at the dealers if they have some Solvol. have had the same sort of guidelines given to me on the furniture polish when i was told about the Wurth Silicone sealent keeping it free from my discs, might also give that ago, lol bet its cheaper than £5 a tin & does the same job. Hi Exupnutta being a novice i do my best to apply sprays and other cleaning products to my bike when cleaning it but, your right i need to get more practice unfortunatly i have not got a duel stand? on my bike only a side stand, & think it might be worth while investing in the bike jack/stand thingy they use at the dealers to work on the bike etc but, i have heard from a little bird that there is another form of chain lube that is like a wax?? apparently i can apply this over my chain & it doesnt flick off & all over the rims, but again im learning & have to find these things out & weather or not it "does what it says on the tin" as to speak so thats why im putting it to you fine experts in my search for posibilities on new lubes. i will say all your comments so far have been taken on board, especially with the jet washing part its worrying i have been jetting me bike down without knowing what could happen as a result , & thats a 1st ive heard of just using auto glym polish alone, forgive my ignorance but wouldnt that just be wiping the dirty already on the bike from one place to another?, or being so new to the biking thing, im just getting the wrong end of the stick.. any how im always open to new things & will give them a go the next time i clean up my bike. ok Im going to throw another question at you all..... (Bare with me here lol im still exploring me bike so dont know all the parts & names lol so ill do me best to build a picture so u know what im on about lol) Q: where the spark plug sits on the engine it looks like a grill like part of the engine i assume is where the piston & barrell is incased?(sorry dont know the name of it & i maybe wrong) but trying to clean inbetween there is difficult & all i have been doing to get in between those gaps is a brush & soapy water, is there a easier method to clean this? Also.. Q: Throwing another question at you (Again please excuse the Ignorance) again another engine part, it looks like something to do with the exhaust ..down pipe is it called? i dunno lol anyway its a nice brown looking rusty colour obviously from where it gets hot, but is there something i can do or apply to give this a nice chrome like finish? or is it forever that colour being apart of the engine exhaust system? the only reason i ask is because when i was last at my bike dealers there was an old triumph bike outside the shop, that looked as new as the day it came out the showroom & you could clearly see its donkeys old, still being used but clean! any idea's?? i might be asking too much on that question but hey why not ask anyway lol. Thanks for the replys this far people i appriciate it, & knowledge is stimulating & can cheaper on the Pocket as you have already prob guessed i have alot to learn Thanks again, Street.
Best Cleaning Products & Engine Oils
Hi All, Im New to the Forum, Glad i found it too! I own a Yamaha XT125r only had it a few months so nice 08 Plate! Not a bad bike had 72mph top end out of it so far but i want to keep it in good nick if ever i want to sell it & besides i like to look after me gear so my question is this... I am new to the whole bike cleaning & tunning side of things & i am learning. I ride me bike to Work & out and about with a few pals of mine so it gets plenty of use & dirty pretty quick the cleaning products ive tried have been pretty good & want to share them with you if your looking for some good cleaning gear to keep your bike lookin good. Swarfega Alloy Cleaner - Works great, powerful cleaner that makes life just that little bit easyier when baked on oil & road grime is tough to remove from the bike this puppy stripps it off without turning into molly maid the scrubber! Then just some good old soapy water give it a rub down & jet the rest off, whack a leather over it & once ive dryed it down, i use some .... Silkolene Chain Lube - I find this to be pretty messy as i get back spray of the lube over me rims after i just washed the damn bike lol but it does the job. Finally to finish it off .... Wurth Silicone Spray/Sealent - quality sealent , leaves a good shine, showroom look. but whats better? is there a better cleaner you use or have tried?? any recommendations on better chain lube or alloy cleaners? i have recently baught some "muck off" cleaner but am yet to try it as ive heard its good cleaner but went straight in with the Swarfega cleaner, so when ive finsihed using that ill give the muck off a chance to show its skills! is there anything that i am using that shouldnt be using or something better i could use? would be good to know what you use or have found works better?? Drop a post & lets compare & share the info. Street.
how to de-restrict a 2005 xt125r PLEASE HELP
Would be appriciated if i could get a copy of that email sent to me too [email protected] if anyone still has the email cheers
XT125 help
Agreed with your post some what, i have had my xt125 for almost 5 months now, since i baught it ive had a power lag where the bike stutter's given full throttle through gears 2-4, almost as if its flooding with too much fuel. the stutter became a nightmare and bike was running slow. i took it back to the dealers & said i got a power lag & when its running in 5th gear its holding back at around 53mph with no power to push on past 56mph to whack! said i werent happy & wanted it looked at. they took it for a test ride & found the same problem i found, so they replaced the fuel tank, carb, & few other things i cant remeber but they were only small things as far as i know (im new to the biking world so im still learning) now this was changed just after my 1st service of 500miles. i took the bike away thinking i could open it up along the road & notice the stutter was still there but not as frequent as it was before & just put it down to some sort of blockage, i simply just dont know & got used to it being there, but still not happy with it happening. after riding alot more back & from work i mileage built up to 2500 ready for my 2nd service, had to get another bolt put on for my exhaust cover as it came off & was lost somewhere on the road & also got them to check bike over for the stutter, they couldnt find anything again! so this is an un-resolved mystery to me & to the dealers by the looks of things when it comes to the xt125 stutter problem. im due for my 3rd service in a couple of weeks i have got yet more questions to ask the dealer! a mate of mine was going to by a crap Superbyke RMR 125, told him not to bother & to get a XT instead which he did, from the samed place i got mine. now his only done around 350miles on his bike from new & im almost at 5000 miles (so mine is run in by now) i should in theory & so i have been told get a better top end than him untill his bike has run-in like i had to with mine. not the case! for some reason he gets a faster pull away than i do (now these are both exactly the same bikes & model just different colour) he does NOT have the stutter with his like i did with my around that mileage or at all, & when you kick into 5th gear on his bike it still climbs in speed & doesnt hold back at around 53mph now he left me for dust last night when we were out on the A roads i got upto 56mph in 4th gear before changing into 5th and as soon as i kicked into 5th gear the speed dropped to 53, 51mph & just hung there with now power at all! mean time my mate is still rippin down the road & had to pull over & wait for me to catch up! total nightmare! i have had 72mph top end out of my XT125 & that was with the wind behind me & pretty much down hill, other than that i had lorrys restricted to 55-60mph racing past me, what the hell is wrong with the XT125's ?? if there is anyone with good knowledge of these bikes & have an idea to what the problems could be, drop me a line i'd like to know what i need to hit the dealer with next, because im running out of options & also want to know if this would be under warrenty? maybe a fault with the engine or with gears? i dunno im not bike savvy'd up. drop me a email ([email protected]) with any idea's or suggestions or whack a post back on here, thanks in advance people. Street.
Street Hawk
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