Everything posted by redd
xs400 burning oil
nice 1... that was lucky. would have posted on here askin why me bikes lost power . 150cc to be exact i will see what the origionals like n take from there. or if anyone has spare barrels n pistons for sale ( 07779910366 ) gi me a text and i will call back... cheers... ta for help drewpy...
xs400 burning oil
that be a strange one. suppose its possible the spare engines the 250 *4G6-005405 cheers
xs400 burning oil
nice 1. checked pistons. I have spare top end. But will need honed and rings to... They are stamped inside yamaha / Art / 2 / Also they measure 54mm... Will this be standard size...
xs400 burning oil
think the bike had stood a while. so its possible the rings mite be stuck. or its scored the barrel and worn the rings out. suppose be best to strip and investigate. is it easy enough to get the gasket and rings? you wouldnt no the prices of this gear... cheers 4 advice...
xs400 burning oil
yea its blue, you can smell the oil and i rekon every car following me, cheers
xs400 burning oil
Bike started chucking out smoke on tickover . quite a bit really. and only on one pot. Plug looks good though and colour indicates good running engine, so whats the problem. Anyone know. Is it the rings on the piston. valve oil stem seal... ive got a spare cylinder head in case its the seals. But will have to order some rings if this is the problem... Any help be good... cheers...
rd125lc loosin power
nice1 how do you switch off.
rd125lc loosin power
my m8s rd125lc is loosing power in top gear. pulls nice all the way to 5th put into 6th and it just keeps dying until your down to crawlin speeds, then your havin to nock the gears down to get back up to speed, and it all starts again any help i no he will appreciate...
xs coils
seems like i have a limiter on my bike at 50mph new set of points is on my xs, ive ordered new condensor, and noticed today one of the coils is getting hot, (aftermarket one) the side were the missfire is... Question. Is it normal for this to heat up. Other side stays cool? There is a coil on ebay for xs250, will this be ok for my xs400?
XS400 missfire
nice1... i will check the condensor in the morning cheers for that
XS400 missfire
got everything balanced still missis on tickover so going to re-new the condensor see if this helps out. checked the genorator timing, took cover of and oil came out, and wen u tip the bike on its side oil comes out the hole at the bottom. m8 rekons crank seal is bust and need to strip the motor down. hope not! any ideas if this is supposed to happen
xs400 oil leak
been 2 m8s settin the carbs up, balance etc. we check the timing and took the cover of the motor to chek the gen, and oil came out. when u tip the bike on side it comes out of a hole at the bottom. may be silly Q but is this supposed to happen m8 rekons a seal is bust and need to strip the motor down
RD125LC cylinder head
Not mine but m8s RD125LC. He's deciding to take test after 20yrs o me aggin him he decided to get 125 and ride this for six month, and take lessons and ride at the same time, fair do's... Problem. He managed to get the bike to run right after re-jetting and re-jet and ermmm re-jeting . And now has a leaking cylinder head gasket So he rang me the other nite and dreamt of fitting a Big Bore Kit while the head was off ( as you do ) So here is the Big question. Can you still buy Bore Kits for these? How Much? And where? I will happily pass on any info... Big Bore Kits, i remember my MB50 65cc Ortisa bore kit -60mph- at 16, sweet
XS400 missfire
cheers for that... Got the bike running now and went for 100ml run and everthing seemed ok. exept the poppin and banging when you shut throttle off. gettin the carbs balanced at the weekend see if this helps matters out.
Breaking my 1982 XS250
Hi im looking for the V5 if you have one to sell, dont want the frame just the paperwork xs250-360-400
XS400 missfire
nice 1 i have ordered some new points should be here this week. i bought the bike as project been stood along time. didnt quite fancy the colour (YELLOW ) and style. I stripped and rebuilt and gave it the bobber look. The wiring has been chopped to give minimilist look no switch gear etc. so just been takin a wee bit getting to no the setup checking coils and everthing seems ok, charged battery and will put new points on, get the carbs balanced and double check wiring... i update as soon as its fixed cheers
XS400 missfire
Old saying dont fix if not f***** messing around improving the wires on the points, now since the repairs and fitting back in cannot get the bike to run proply and keeps missfiring. somtimes fires on both, hey presto the bike runs sweet on both pots. Then just as quick it will go back down to one pot... Is it bad earth? Knackered points? They look ok. ive never really had anything to do with points, last time was a mini 20 year ago and that was agg. Been told to convert to electronic. Has anyone got electronic 4 sale. Or new set of points cure my headache...
missfire hell
Old saying dont fix if not f***** messing around improving the wires on the points, now since the repairs and fitting back in cannot get the bike to run proply and keeps missfiring. somtimes fires on both, hey presto the bike runs sweet on both pots. Then just as quick it will go back down to one pot... Is it bad earth? Knackered points? They look ok. ive never really had anything to do with points, last time was a mini 20 year ago and that was agg. Been told to convert to electronic. Has anyone got electronic 4 sale. Or new set of points cure my headache...
New guy..pics.
Hi ive got an xs400 1978 Hardtail. Style is a boobber springer seat. Raked forks and Black. Get some pics up soon (soon as i work out how to) . bought as project. stripped added my own bits and re-built and painted black. still needs little finishing but should be out soon...
xs400 vs xs400 2e
nice1 would make sense i was trying to get one and found hard, m8 eventually got one of some fs site
xs400 vs xs400 2e
Hi Been building a xs chop and needed a manual, got one here in cd format. if anyone needs it cover my cost for cd and postage and i can mail of for you... New to xs400 just built myself a hard tail chop using frame and mota, got frame made done my own look to make into bobber, i get somepics on members area...