Everything posted by Alan
Styling and Profiling.......
I have never been so disgusted in all my life [-X that poor sheep :cry: sitting on that bike can't reach the footrests and not :cuss wearing a helmet. You ought to be ashamed of yourself :!: The last time I saw a sheep in such a state of anxiety was when I chased one with a jar of mint sauce in me hand. I tried sneaking up on it but me wellies made to much noise =P~
Motorcycle clothing
All photo's of me wearing the suzzy belt etc have been banished to a box in the loft where they will never see the light of day again. I was young it weren't my fault them, big lads made me do it :cry: :cry:
why do you own a yam?
Sounds like a friday aftenoon, knock off for a pint, kind of bike :eek Are you sure it's not an old brit bike
^^^^ BRAKES! ^^^^
The absolute dogs bollocks way to bleed brakes is to get a Gunsons Ezybleed. This pumps the fluid thro the system. The only downside is that you will have to replace the master cylinder cap because you have to drill a hole to fit the feed pipe. Both brake calipers bled in 10 mins.
Motorcycle clothing
Rossi back on 4 wheels.......
As long as the bike is as good as this years M1 then Honda have got their work cut out to beat it. Yamaha ain't going to build a bike for Vale that isn't going to be up there challenging for the championship.
ebay dilemma.
Alright mate Ebay expect you to report buyers off auction as this contravenes the rules. If nobody has bid on the item then you can remove it from the auction- you'll still have to pay the listing fee etc.
Motorcycle clothing
If that's all it must be pretty chilly round the nethers this time of the year :!: I must admit that wearing stiletto's made gear changing a bitch :oops: and the sussie belt used to chafe summat rotten #-o
Indicator Relay from Any Bike???
Regarding indicators for MOT. All it says on the failure sheet, under lighting equipment is DIRECTION INDICATORS & HAZARD LAMPS it's either pass or fail :!: Anything post 85 /86 has got to have working indicators. If they have been removed then they have got to be replaced for the MOT (I've just rung my local tester) Apparently it's to do with type approval and construction and use regs. If you build a special out of parts prior to 85/86 you don't have to fit indicators after that you do.
Motorcycle clothing
Yeah I agree there was less traffic etc. etc. I know that in my younger days I bounced better whenever I fell off but at the time wouldn't have considered anything other than jeans and trainers etc. The first time I ever saw a full set of leathers (except on the track) was when the Suzuki Katana first appeared. It was at Matlock Bath and there was a couple of people there in matching silver & black one piece leathers. They stood out like sore thumbs :!: Posers :?: Maybe, but with the benefit of hindsight they were right. Fast forward 20+ years and almost everybody wears full leathers etc. Yeah motorcycling can be a dangerous hobby/pasttime/lifestyle that you have got to make as safe as possible.
Motorcycle clothing
Yeah theres a guy at work who wears shorts and t shirt during the summer :shock: I suppose it is down to individual choice BUT having had gravel removed from my knee by a nurse armed with a scrubbing brush, then I'd sooner scrap a set of leathers than lose chunks out of my body :!:
Motorcycle clothing
For more years than I care to remember I always rode bikes in just jeans, leather jacket and trainers. I've had my share of offs although (touch wood) without any serious injury. All my mates dressed the same and we all fell off occassionally. I know that the older you get the longer it takes to get over the cuts, bruises and knocks. Since getting involved in motorcycle racing firstly as a marshall and for the last five years as a scrutineer I have come to appreciate the wearing of the correct gear. Having witnessed first hand crashes from 'lowly' club racers right up to GP Gods the days of jeans etc in my case are long gone. Except for travelling to work and back its full leathers, armour, boots and decent gloves. It would be interesting to hear from you guys (& gals) as to what you wear on your bikes and especially from those of you, who, like me were riding bikes in the seventies - have your attitudes changed? Many thanks
why do you own a yam?
My exup is the first Yam I have owned since 1982 when I had the misfortune to own a XS250SE. what a bag of shite that bike was. I had it from new and in the six months that I 'rode' it it was back to the dealers at least once a week for repairs under warranty. In the end they took it back and swopped it for a nice 400/4 +cash back. I then had a succession of hondas and kawasakis until 1993 when i bought a Gixer 'slabby' which I ran till this year when I bought me exup.
What a twat unstructor
night shift
i work nights and have done for the last six years. What screws me up is the weekends if I sleep too long Saturday I can't sleep at night which knacks up me sunday then I go to work knackered on Monday night!
Uk circuits...
All club meetings held at every UK circuit have a blanket 105db limit. there is also + & - 2db for the noise meter. Your best bet is to race when it's p8ss8ng down with rain because noise testing can't be done when its raining. Although noise testing is done by ACU officials circuits like Croft, Oulton and possibly Castle Combe have a tester present from the council. At majority of circuits only a small percentage of bikes are randomly tested but Croft, Oulton all bikes are tested. Normally if a bike is over the noise limit then the rider is given the opportunity to quieten the machine down ie repack the silencer and submit the bike for another test. I must admit most of the bikes I've been involved in testing are usually registering between 98 - 104db.
Right who's got the quickest bike!!
It's got to be mine - It takes five days to do Monday to Friday but does the weekend in two :!:
- Hi
Bike Advice needed!
Hey Burnin' Rubber Is this a wind up or are you a complete t*ss*r? My daughters 'Barbie' trike would be too much for you!
- Hi