Everything posted by Alan
- hi all
- Question
- Question
- Bitch Slap
Road Signs
Hows about all road signs etc protected by hay bales or air fencing?
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I went for a check up at the doctors and he told me I'd got the body of a 21 year old. How the fuck does he know what I've got buried under the patio
Pet Hates (Drivers)
My pet hates are drivers that don't indicate at islands. Anyone that drives a Merc or a Beemer - they think they own the road. Speed cameras on dual carriageways in the middle of nowhere. Cyclists - they think they're above the law. FLAT BEER. Oh yeah cold calling twats that try to flog double glazing when they can see it fitted already!
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Killer Reason to watch WSC this year...
Disagree with you there M8. WSB was (as always) a Ducati benefit. Apart from a few freak results if you hadn't got a Duke you weren't going to do owt. With the influx of works teams coming back to WSB then hopefully there should be some closer racing and then it should be on a par with Moto GP. I still think that Silverstone is a shite place for bike racing - bring WSB back to Donington Park. Some m8s of mine went last year and they complained about how distant the bikes were at most parts of the circuit. For my own part I was part of the scrutineering team last year and unlike most circuits you can't actually see any of the bikes along the whole length of the start finish straight from pit lane. Lots of noise but no bikes!
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A virtual bottle of Jack daniels on its way How many times have you been 21 again?
LC club helpline
How do we know that JMW isn't here under an alias
Pissed Off
I never thought to mask the kitchen off. It was a case of I know what I wanted to spray and where it just never dawned on me that spray particles would go anywhere except on the bike! It cost me a bloody fortune to put the kitchen right!
I've been up since 8 this morning and I start work in an hour and a quarter and finish at 5.30 tomorrow. I should be able to grab some kip on the A38 behind the wheel of a 7.5 ton van! Always have a shit sleep Sunday into Monday
European Travel
Take your waterproofs - Venice wet this time of year. Then again Venice wet all year round
Pissed Off
I resprayed a 400/4 in me folks kitchen while they were on holiday. Not happy when they got back. Kitchen a different colour to when they left Any hoo exup still standing and it stayed dry!
- Weather
Pissed Off
Yeah it ain't so windy but I've left it uncovered just in case!
Pissed Off
Yeah But it's full of furniture Actually it's still safer to park bike outside especially with 4 sprogs, a demented dog and 2 moggies in the house. I did suggest to her indoors that I should park bike in the house but that went down like a fat bird at a wife swopping party
Pissed Off
Keef I think if that were my bike I'd be bouncing off the walls by now!
The number of the beast.
Fair Maiden Doest that make thee a member of the Australian Police Force
- Pissed Off
TRX 850. Any comments
A mate of mine got rid of a Bandit 12 for a TRX. Apart from it being slower than the Bandit (obviously) he's well chuffed with it. Not ridden it meself yet!
Er trackdays for you lot !
Hi Hooky What circuits will you be using?
Pissed Off
I seem to have got away pretty lightly. Apart from mud on the r/h bar end weight, brake lever,footrest and rear brake pedal which will obviously wash off, there's a crack (about 3inches long) in the nose fairing panel just above the indicator. Nothing else seems to be damaged - there's nowt bent. Hopefully I shall be able to repair the fairing from behind. Compared to my old Gixer (that got pushed over) it's nothing. These Yams are built more robustly!
Pissed Off
I'm waiting for a shed to be delivered so that my pride and joy has somewhere dry to live. At 5am today I was woken up by a noise outside. My beloved Exup was lying on its side on the lawn - a victim of these 80mph winds! The wind had got under the cover and caused the bike to fall to the right. I can't see any damage but shall have a look when it gets light