Everything posted by goldinr
2001 R1 handling
Welcome back to motorcycling! I'm now on my second R1 The first was an 03 (first of the injected ones, Black frame). Loved it so much and put truck loads of miles on it, so part exchanged it against a new one last June. Styling, performance, and handling are fantastic not to mention the awesome R1 brakes. Riding into a corner too quick! Just look through the bend and she'll go there. Riding around town isn't that great, wrists will tell you when it's time to go home. On twisty open roads, feel the adrenalin kick in. The harder you ride the R1, the better it gets! but don't get too complacent because they can bite you back. Definately worth investing in a good steering damper. Cornering is improved and more stable and you'll find that you can start to lay the power on earlier through roundabouts and out of corners. Only other thing I'de recommend is a pair of Pirelli Diablo Corsa's. Stick like you know what to a blanket. Other than that, enjoy the R1. Paracetemol might be useful to dull the ache from the constant grin you'll have! Rob.......
you ever seen an exhaust glow red "look at this"
This is what they do in Le mans every year. From Friday night, 24 hours a day through til the Sunday night. Guaranteed no sleep, but I'll be there again this year. Le Mans 24hr Moto is the weekend of the 21st and 22nd April if anyone else is interested in going! As regards the video. I don't understand the upset. It is after all only an old Gixxer! Nothing but Yam will do!
1999 sponsorship
Sorry to burst your bubble Section8. Yamaha featured in various competitions a lot earlier than 2003. Yamaha as a team were riding in the WSB back in 1995 and Yamaha engines ( OWO1 ) were used in Bimotas even further back (1988) which is when WSB was born, first round being at Donnington. Steviebaby, Given that Nori Haga was the lead rider for Yamaha in WSB in 99 and the fact that the Haga rep featured looks so damn good. I know what I would do!
FZR to R1
Hi, a while back I went from my old YZF750r to an 03 model R1, (black frame, first of the injected) and absolutely loved it! The Fzr and yzf aren't too dissimilar, so jumping onto an R1 you will notice significant improvements. Power, delivery, handling etc. Choose your tires wisely though!. I personally rate the Pirelli Diablo's. On my 03 R1 I had a straight Diablo on the rear and a Diablo Corsa on the front. Gave me the best of both worlds, excellent grip and reasonable mileage. When riding an R1, head for that corner and just look through it. You don't need to do a thing, the bike just goes there. Any way I could go on for ages but to give you a clue, I ride purely for pleasure, Tuesday and Thursday nights plus Sunday mornings with a group. I don't commute or use my bikes for any business mileage and managed to stick 13,000 miles on that R1 in 11 months, just didn't want to get off of it. So So inlove with the R1, I bought myself a new one, The 06 50th anniversary Kenny Roberts replica (Extreme Yellow) and it's even better than the first one I had. Handling is amazing and once I got used to the Pilot Powers that were fitted as standard, every corner is superb, (they turn in a bit quick compared to Diablo's). Power will blow you away, 175BHP at 12,500 rpm but unlike the GSXR, it is controlable and a smooth delivery. I have now fitted a BMC airfilter, Akropovic de-cat pipe and Power commander3 USB to mine and she takes off like a rocket. You will not be dissappointed with the R1, but it might take you a little while to really get to grips with it. They can and do bite if you go at it too hard, too soon. As for the 07 R1, too early to know yet. Handling, power etc will be awesome. Only thing is that they are now using a V-TEC engine. Yamaha say they have it sorted and service time will be no longer than a standard service. When Honda did the same to the VFR, it quadrupled the service time, so might be worth speaking to a reliable Yam dealer. Keys Brothers in Worthing are diamonds and will be totally honest with you. Anyway, best of luck and enjoy your R1 when you get it. Might find your jaw aches from the constant grinning though! Rob......
May Day, Hastings seafront.
Just seen your message and although I've missed Hastings this year, I've been quite a few times before, so not too heart broken. Reason I'm replying is that I live in Sompting and ride out every Tuesday and Thursday evening as well as Sunday morning with a group from all over west and east sussex. We meet up at the Jack and Jill pub near Pyecombe at 7:30pm on Tuesdays and at the old Q8 now BP garage at Patcham, north of Brighton at 7:30pm on Thursdays. Failing that we meet up for breaky at the Chalet in between Henfield and Cowfold at 8-8:30ish am on Sundays. Maybe see you there? Rob....... p.s. All different riding abilities, so no one gets left behind. Quite a well organised group that I've known for about 5 yrs now.
hampshire ride out and cafe :excl:
Hi, The only one I know of meet up at Alton and I think it's on a Wednesday night. Not been myself as I ride with a group out of West Sussex and Brighton. I'll ask them tonight if they know of any in your neck of the woods. Rob.........
R1 front calipers
Bob, They Fazer thou uses the same engine as the R1 only it is de-tuned. I suggest ringing you local Yam dealer and ask them if the part no's are the same. As you know differnet model bikes use common parts as I found on my Yzf750 and the XJR1300sp when I owned one! Regards Rob.......
R6 de-restriction
Look at the rear of the carbs where the air comes in from the air box and filter. These are the trumpets. Rob.........
2005 R1 Exhaust
Hi and welcome, trouble is that which ever exhaust you put on, you will only gain 5-6 bhp increase without spending shed loads of money. On a bike thats only 50-60 brake you will get a noticable difference. However, yours is a ball bustin 175 brake as standard. Yoshi's look great as do blue flame. The blue flame would probably be my choice as they have a great sound to them. Two of the guys I ride with have them and they are nothing but horny, the cans that is! Money being no object then a full Yoshi system with a power commander III. Good luck and enjoy the R1 as I do mine! Rob........
what's your cuppa tea
Oh Tom, I@m so so tempted by Kirsty but after much deliberation / dribbling it has to be Kiera
It's Beezkneez's birthday......
Happy Birthday Baz. Did you unwrap Milla Jovovich this morning? Well, before you woke up anyway! Have a good one Rob..............
Need Help
Hi Chris and welcome. I had the same problem with my 03 model so took it to my local yam dealer, who is really helpful and he changed it for me but I can't remember quite how. I'll try and find out again for you. I know you turn the ignition on and as it goes through the diagnostic self test you hit 1 or 2 buttons below the speedo. It is a step through menu so you have to go through all of the setting to get to the one you want, make your changes and carry on to the end of the menu. If you stop and only do the rev limiter light and switch the ignition off, you won't of changed anything. Leave it with me and I'll get back to you. The other good thing is that you can adjust the brightness of that light which when riding at night is like having someone shine an interrogation lamp in you face. regards Rob..........
a serious note
Love it! spot on cidered. Rob
Best Motorcycle.......
Sod the bike, Just jump and do us all a favour!
F***king Ice!
Eddy and Vin! It must be difficult to type anything nice when your plugging each others "Homeboy" butts! You are as your avatar "FULL OF SHIT!!!!"
what will you go for next?
Alex. You are mistaken, there is one only a few years old and you would love it and with your new job I know you can afford it. R7! Go on, you know you want one! Rob........
r1 frames
Hi Keith and welcome. Not a lot of info, but its a start. Maybe the other guys can add bits on as we go! The only frame change I know a date for was when they changed from ally finish to black which was first released in the UK in Feb 2002. The engine mounts at a different angle to earlier models so there is a physical change as well, not just in colour. This R1 was the first of the injected models and features a "Deltabox III" frame. Regards Rob..............
207's........ standard are great, but if you like even more stick then 207rr's. Got standard 207's on mine and I have never had a twitch yet. I ride with a group 3 times a week and to be honest, they don't hang about and not just in straight lines either! I have talked a few people with older/heavier bikes into buying them and not one has been disappointed. They are also really good in the wet. I ride 2 up most of the time and get about 3k out of a rear.
YZF 750 Engine life ?
Have to agree with all of the above. Mine has had the lot. Only thing I've found lately is the fact it now smokes a bit when giving it some stick, so i guess the time has come to redo the valves. This, although not difficult to do, costs about £300 from a Yam dealer due to the time involved. Got to say though, that although my yzf 750 only comes out to play once a month ( mainly due to the fact, the rest of the time I'm on the R1), I still love it and is definately more planted than the R1. I have about 2mm of hero band on the R1 yet on the Yzf, I have none. 207's work really well on the 750 and give you confidence you would not believe, even in the wet. They (in my opinion) don't work so well on the R1 and so next time, ( probably just before Le Mans) I'm going to put diablos on!
the prettiest yam?
Gents, Luv em all. I started out on a fizzy then went on to a RD 125dx then a RD 350lc YPVS, then my YZF750r then a XJR 1300sp with ohlins as standard and now my beautiful 2003 model R1. I have loved every single one of them and if money was no object, I'd be buying the new R1 sp. Just for your info L. cooled, my local Yam dealer has a brand new (as in never used) owo1. His grandad who started the firm, used to race and upon retirement got the Yamaha franchise. He and all of the family who took over the business collected bikes to make a small museum and I suppose a nest egg. This owo1 is pride of place and although never ridden on the road, grandad took it round a track just to see what it was like, well he did buy it! It is truly a thing of beauty with only 16 miles on the clock. Grandad had an offer of £19k for it some years ago but declined. The current boss Steve has had two offers, the highest being £27k. I'm glad to say he valued his late grandad's memory higher than the money and it is still pride of place!
Le Mans 2006
Gents, Its that time again when the Automobile Club de l'Ouest have finally released the dates for this years Le Mans 24hr Moto endurance. They are the weekend of the 22 - 23 April 06. Once again I shall be there, along with 25 or so others from the group I ride with throughout the year. This is the link to the website if you are interested: http://www.lemans.org/24heuresmoto/live/pa...accueil_gb.html As usual we have a van going over a few days before with the tents and stuff which are ever so kindly up when we all arrive on the Friday afternoon. Guaranteed no sleep for 48hrs (werbanging etc) Any of you guys going? Bye for now Rob.............
The Definitive Jap middleweight dualsport review!
Tom. He doesn't really write for Razzle ( or at least I hope he doesn't and if he does can he get me a job there). L.C. was pulling ya plonker. Have a look at the top shelf next time your in the newsagent. Rob...
suspension setup
Not got a fazer thou, but do ride a 93 yzf750r and an 03 R1. I've got Dunlop D207's (not rr's) on both mine and they are superb. Somewhere around 3-4000 mile on the rear and thats with a pillion 90% of the time. They grip extremely well in the dry, right over to the edge and are surprisingly good in the wet. Putting these tyres on my bikes took away any previous hesitancy I had on other tyres. You really can sling the bike about confidently, knowing you won't lose it. As for set up, I remember reading an article in I think the MCN about a bird who took her R6 to some place in I think Peterborough and had it set up for her weight and height etc and it wasn't that expensive. I havn't got that edition anymore so can't be of anymore help than that. Maybe one of the other guys remembers the article in more detail. Rob...........
Beez, Where did you find that info, because it was a motorcycle repair and service garage that told me to use it. Rob...........
More YZF750r
Hello again, Following on from my last post about zorst, rearsets and the paint job I've had done. I take a pillion almost every time I go out, who likes the grabrail that I had fitted. Unfortunately although the said rail is very practical (Renntec) it is a bit unsightly and I don't want to put it back on my newly painted baby (YZF) Would a small trick rail from another bike fit, even though I know that I'll have to extend the subframe somehow. Any one with experience of this or good ideas please help as it's doing my head in. Rob......... :cry: