Everything posted by tandy
Braided brake lines
In my opinion regardless of the size of your bike braided brake lines are a fantastic upgrade to the feel and power of your brakes. It would be the first thing I would upgrade on any bike I owned. Hope this helps
First bike suggestions/advice
I think that you couldn't go far wrong with an mt09. It's a helluva bike and can do everything you could ask for. It is certainly on my wish list! Hope it helps but try to ride as many as you can before you part with your hard earned. A suzuki Sv 650 is also worth a look. Lot of bike for your buck.
Soldiers need your bike mags!!
Hi Andy it would be my pleasure to help our boys out with some reading material. i will be sending all of my mags onto you in the future. on sunday i was on the afghan heroes rideout in wotton bassett,it was amazing to see all the support from bikers and al the residents for our troops out there. it was an honour to be part of such a momentous and worthy event. cheers to you all and keep your heads down. Marcus
New guy here...
hi ash, welcome to the area buddy. im in bristol if you fancy a natter drop me a line. there are some nice roads and rides {yes they are indeed gert lush} out towards the lakes and you have to give Cheddar Gorge a blast {avoid sundays!!!}. cheers Marcus
new thundercat owner
i really rate Michelin road pilot sports.they beat the crap out of the Bridgestones i am on at the moment [cant wait to get rid of em!]. i ride my Fazer every day and they were ace in all conditions [Awesome in the Wet] including a track day around Mallory park. best of luck Marcus
new thundercat owner
new yank to this forum
greetings and salutations anderboogie! A Triumph is nearly as nice as a Yam! what's your ride?
i totally agree! let the gurkhas live here they have earned it and they see it as a great honour to serve in the british army......seems a little hypocritical that the illustrious fuckwit incharge of this country is saying you can fight and put your lives at risk for us but get stuffed we dont want you living here!.........WANKER!! THE GURKHAS HAVE MY VOTE. well done for raising this one. cheers all Marcus
Newbie Hello
greetings newbee and congrats on passing your test! do you have a name?? nice bike and welcome regards marcus
comments please and advice (pic Inc)
hi kenny, pretty bike bud. if it was mine i would replace the exhaust [check this one out on ebay item no 220409269492]and fit some rim tapes on the wheels and possibly a double bubble screen.oh and replace the standard rubber brake hoses with some hel braided ones...the difference in your brakes will be amazing! best of luck mate Marcus quote name='kennyr6' date='May 6 2009, 07:48 PM' post='90213'] hi guys i was hoping alot of you could have a look at this pic of my bike and tell me what you think of it I was also hoping you could give me some pointers in what extras i could add to make it look that little bit special. thanks kenny! oh and please be honest. ta
thanks Steve,had a look on ebay and there were only rears for fazers,but plenty of R1 stuff. but i think i may have answered my own question anyway and 98-01 R1 wheels should fit.
Nodding bikers?
i have been riding bikes since i was 16 my first was a Yamaha V50m....[what a weapon!] and i have always gave other bikers a nod or a wave,i think it is a great idea and it sets us apart from all the cacooned car drivers out there.that is the great thing about biking,we are all as barking mad as each other! even the wife enjoys it when we are out and she gets a wave from another biker. have noticed some of the cruiser brigade don't tend to bother reciprocating though.seems to be mainly sports bikes who respond around here. i have even got nods from the trailie riders but i will nod to everyone.
HI ALL, here's a little teaser for you. unfortunately i had a rather surprising encounter with a large lump of concrete halfway around a right hander on saturday and took a chuffing great lump out of my front rim! was wondering if anyone knows if a set of R1 wheels will fit on my 2001 FZS Fazer 1000 and if so what year R1 wheels can i use? Kind regards to all Tandy
fz6 bars
hi Sim, i have fitted a set of renthal bars onto my 2001 Fazer thou and just drilled the bars to accept the peg on the throttle housing that stops it twisting (we cut the one off of the choke housing and that does certainly tend to move around a bit--you really don't want the throttle doing that on you!!). the bars are very thick and i don't believe you weaken them dangerously. as i said my bars are great and i have ridden a good 3000 miles since fitting them in the summer. P.S.the only thing i had grief with was my levers would foul on the wing mirrors.the answer is to get your mitts on a set of Trak Tek adjustable levers from Busters Accessories.(i paid £35 each for mine and they are the mutts nutts!). hope this helps Marcus
Fazer 1000 clock fault
hi Steve.....you sound like you have a decent idea of what you are talking about to me buddy. good call. by the way if any of you guys are up for a spankin trick set of new adjustable brake and clutch levers for your bikes, i have just fitted a pair of Trak Tek ones to my 01 Fazer 1000.....34 quid a piece from Busters accessories....they are the dogs danglies! highly reccomend em. all the best boys Marcus
Fazer 1000 clock fault
hello Dave, you a Diver too? On your Fazer try to find out what wire supplies a permanent 12volt supply to the clocks. this is there to keep the memory of your clock and trip etc. see if there are any broken or loose wires going up to the clocks as i am not sure if there is a fuse in the fuse box for this circuit which could have blown. if you can drop me an e-mail to: [email protected] tomorrow and i will have a look on my cd-rom manuel or in the haynes manuel. failing this i will strip my Fazer 1000 down and have a probe about with a multi meter. hope this helps Marcus ride it like you stole it!
Fazer 1000 exhaust
hi buddy, i have the same bike exept an 01 model. My advice would be stick an Akropovic can on it.the one i have sounds and looks superb! but not enough to upset the local costabulary.mine does have a baffle you can fit if it's a bit loud but mine sounds really quiet when i fit it. cheers Marcus
hi vic, grab a multi meter and set it to volts dc then check what voltage you are getting across your battery.anything under 14.5 volts is o.k. anything over is BAD and you should replace the voltage regulator. hope this helps cheers marcus
Heated Grips and Upgrading Headlight on XT125R
hello bud, i have fitted oxford heated grips on my fazer thou and they are the mutts nutts!! i am in the autoelectrical business and would definatly reccommend wiring them upto an ignition supply.(they only draw about 2 amps-fookall really!). As for the Hid head light---go for it.they are a huge improvment to normal halogen bulbs and don't use a great deal of power once they are fired up. But if you are short of cash try a really good Halogen bulb like a PIAA(i used to do some work for them and there is nothing superior out there!). hope this helps. Tandy
spray it baby!
hi David as promised here is Mals Details. Mal Roberts07985 233465www.malrobertsairbrush.co.uk give him a bell but be warned-he can't half chat! real nice bloke. cheers Marcus
spray it baby!
hello David. i think i may be able to help.a friend of mine had a Kanon 6.2 liter V8 Chopper done with Murals by a guy in Fishponds,i will try and send you some pics [if you drop me an e-mail address] and get his details which i have at work for you tomorrow.the guys name is Mal and his painting is impressive! hope this helps and will drop you a line tomorrow[unless you want to give me a call 9553007. cheers Marcus
Thinking of a Fazer 1000 - help please....
helo james, i have owned my fazer thou which is an 01 model [done 9000 miles]since Easter and absolutly love it!! the clunky 1st -2nd gear change is a standard option as far as i know but you get used to it. around town it is fairly nimble and has shed loads of grunt.it is also real comfy on a run. all mine has had tweeked is a K & N and Dyno jet kit fitted.had a Dyno run done and it is chucking out just over 130 bhp at thhe wheel. BUY AN OLD ONE! hope this helps Marcus
can anyone help with FZS 1000 fazer suspension set up
greetings! is there anyone out there that has a decent set up for standard suspension on a Fazer thou? i have dropped the yokes down the forks by 7mm and that has made the old girl turn in a shed load better!also gone down the renthal h/bars route-much more comfy and lightens the steering up[but watch out for clearance on your mirrors and screen[with the brake fluid reservoir]. hope someone can help. cheers.
can anyone help with FZS 1000 fazer suspension set up
greetings! is there anyone out there that has a decent set up for standard suspension on a Fazer thou? i have dropped the yokes down the forks by 7mm and that has made the old girl turn in a shed load better!also gone down the renthal h/bars route-much more comfy and lightens the steering up[but watch out for clearance on your mirrors and screen[with the brake fluid reservoir]. hope someone can help. cheers.
Fazer 1000 lower fairings
Hi all. does anyone know where i can source 2001 Fazer 1000 lower fairings in the UK? i have found them listed on Yamaha US site but it aint on ours! any ideas will be appreciated cheers Tandy