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  1. ozwots posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Does anyone know how much engine a 2 stroke DT125 should use - how many miles should a tank full of oil last or how many tanks of petrol should it last?
  2. Thank you - while it was not the switch itself it was the wires to it that are under the seat. All working just fine now. Ozwots
  3. I am new owner and planning to do some off road stuff. I bought this little bike and it was running just fine but today when I started it the engine simply dies as soon as I put it in gear. It's not a question of being cold or low revs it almost seem to have no electrical power. It idles just fine and there's no problem when I pull the clutch in but as soon as I put the lever into any gear it dies. Grateful for any tips or ideas. Thanks