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Everything posted by spammy

  1. hi im having the same trouble with my DT125R 1998, i got a DEP tail pipe and just took the washer out the front pipe, iv took the snorkel off the air box, iv put a smaller sproket on the back, but still its still slow on the top end, it does 70MPH at a push it just seem to struggle in 6th, any other ideas what i could do to make it faster, like jettin it up (got no idea what main jet it has in) or boost bottle or something. Thanks alot Spammy
  2. Hmmmmmmm ur gear pin might not be seleting it properly, does ur bike scream when u get to the top end of 5th?
  3. hey, i got a DT125R 1998 model if i was u i would leave the power valve alone no need to touch it (i did mine messed up the peformance) all u need to do is put a DEP pipe system on it (about £150) and change ur sprocket size's, there is also a restricter in the under the speedo but i cant find it on mine lol, u also wanna take the snorkel of the airbox under neithe the seat, and most people jet them up by about 2 size's, iv done all this to mine and i can onestly say mine does just under a tone, i hope this helps good look from spammy
  4. get a DT 125 R i get mine to hit 100MPH with a few mod's
  5. spammy replied to spammy's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    do u mean remove the snorkel?? i just fitted a dep pipe aswel
  6. i have a DT 125 R and my oil light is on when its in neutral, its nowt to worrie about, i have to addmit its abit anoyying after abit hope that helped u out....
  7. spammy posted a post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    i have just got my self a DT 125 R 1998 model, it is pretty fast does about 75-80 mph but it wants to go faster but it cant, is there away i can make it faster with out spending alot of money EG:turing the power valve up, could u please help me out and tell me how to make it faster thanks alot from spammy