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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. If it's that bad then change that as well as the ignition coil
  2. It's not uncommon for them to come apart in this way dt, and usually just a simple job with the right equipment as you said
  3. yep thats the type of equipment needed, as cynic said, find someone who can do it for you. Electric motor rewinders in your area would be a good bet or more likely a good car repair outfit
  4. Fowlers are good, give them a ring and see what they can do for you
  5. I'd try fitting a new ignition coil Georgee
  6. Thats hard luck mate, the bearing is supposed to stay in the casing when the crancase halvess are split
  7. Nahh you're right mate, later ones were LC, maybe the MX is the clue...I dunno heres another, they have different wheels to the LC's too http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?um=1&newwindow=1&sa=N&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbnid=y-S_FNCxwblk-M%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fdatabikes.com%2Finfophoto%2Fyamaha%2Frd_80_mx-1983.html&docid=jER3xPod31rfxM&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fdatabikes.com%2Fimgs%2Fa%2Fc%2Fj%2Fr%2Fn%2Fyamaha__rd_80_mx_1983_1_lgw.jpg&w=640&h=478&ei=XagbU4S3LMaThgeIvoD4Aw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=4781&page=1&start=0&ndsp=16&ved=0CFkQrQMwAA
  8. http://www.bikepics.com/pictures/1278411/ Why a TY50 engine Steve? Thats a trials bike and will be geared so!
  9. wow now that was damn cheap slice
  10. yeah if the pv is working then there may be a fault with the horn...does it even 'try' to work? why not sustitute your mates horn for a test anyway, yours is the RE version so if the starter is working then it wont be a faulty battery
  11. Greetings Ogwen, you in Swowdonia dude?
  12. OK if you find out anything post it up for others
  13. This any use Gary? http://www.gresk.com/2011/06/endr-then-ntrd-displays-on-yamaha-xt.html
  14. check your bulb filament with a multimeter
  15. on such a low power bike you may not need the grinder! Check to see if theres a split link fitted, even if there isnt I'd fit one on the new chain myself
  16. give these guys a call slice http://www.robinsonsfoundry.co.uk/content/pages/shop/parts/Suzuki.htm
  17. Get there really early nigel for the Jeans, they fly off the racks they do
  18. Hes probably right, oils have got better over the years. I wouldnt bother with it though theres no harm in using a little too much. If you'd have gone down the premix route you would have been using even more oil.
  19. it's possibly an after market cable, they are often the wrong size. I'd re solder the nipple or make up a new section of cable myself
  20. Airhead

    ybr 125

    so you've tried hundreds of times, now try pressing down hard with your foot on the stand and keep a straight back . If you;re not prepared to listen and try out good advice good luck with your search
  21. Airhead

    ybr 125

    Rather than feeling that you have to physically pull the bike upwards, resist this and push down hard with your right leg on the stand....she'll come up easy
  22. I just dont get them, what are they for, carrying 3 on a bike perhaps, the one on the buddy seat...well their legs will just be dangling ?
  23. If you want practical, just fit a carrier
  24. Greetings Nyx, good to see your pride isnt dented...sad to see your pride'n' joy is
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