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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Sam, so this is an engine mounting bolt and it has the head snapped off so the bolt is still through the engine and the threaded end is still screwed into the frame at the other side...is this correct?
  2. fkcu thats manky! so what are we looking at here?
  3. C'mon Sam learn how to post picures it will be of great benefit to you fella
  4. awsome track comfortably numb as for the light, I dunno I remember 'bippo' has similar issues commuting on country roads but I think she upgraded her bike, not the light Greetings and
  5. dont like the sound of the whining noise you reported, you really should investigate this before any damage is done, is there any lateral play in the magneto rotor? The magnets only just have clearance from the iron cores of the magneto coils, very little clearance! If something isnt right then the magnets can rub against the iron cores and if this is allowed to go on then heat is generated through friction and the coils concered can burn out...I've seen it several times and I hazard a guess that it's down to 'have a go Henry' not torqueing down his rotor nut to the specified torque 40 lbf ft.he got his mate to hold it best he could and just tightened it a bit best he could ! To me this is more important than any other issues at the moment, did you torque it down properly then, with a click stop torque wrench?
  6. jim, as our 'jimmy' said in post#3...check the connections that used to go to the sidestand switch it sounds like that to me
  7. I'll give it my best shot at the next rally, thanks for the recommendation
  8. Havent you tested the stator coil ohms readings yet then? I asked about an exhaust restrictor yonks ago and dont recall you responding about that, i linked you to a picture too and you said you would check at weekend...3 months ago?? Its hard enough diagnosing these problems just on a forum, even harder when suggestions arent followed and replied to
  9. It would have been good and proper to have posted an intro in the relevant new members forum, but yeah it often gets missed in the rush to get an answer to a problem! Hey Jason, sometimes threads dont get a reply they gey missed though if I may say so you are are more than a bit premature taking the huff after just a day, rather than think the worst though if you think your post really deserves an answer just bump it mate...try again
  10. That's the end of that idea then foamy, good to see you had some fun tho...
  11. upload them to a hosting site and then paste the img tags from there to here
  12. yeah, s'pose if i'd have had a fizzy it would have been 1974, still get about with some of those nippers on their rallies...good fun Greeings Dave
  13. does the gear shift lever always return to a central position from being lifted or pressed down..as it should?
  14. Airhead


    haha credit to the girl for keeping it together, is church really that much fun...what have I been missing ?
  15. Hi Ben yes the spark should be a blue colour ideally, have you got a workshop manual? in there will be resistance values so you can check the stator coils and the HT coil
  16. if it came from Germany then its a DT175MX mate, the E;F, G etc were from USA, Australia, Canada and other places but as far as I know European ones were MX
  17. i'm curious abaout the exhaust blowing kit, I dont need one but if you could post a link i'd like to see it wiffy
  18. Bits will be hard to find unfortunately...not a big seller here was it!
  19. Looks in good overall condition mcf, btw those fugly lights/indicators remind me of the ones destined for Germany, I prefer the French/English version myself. yeah youre almost working outside I see, one of the benefits of living in SA
  20. yeah i'd guess at 80's too mate
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