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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Greetings Scott, lets have a look-see then
  2. 22.5 I think, It'll say on it anyhow
  3. Airhead

    DT 125 ebay ?

    well clearly it's not a twin shock as advertised, the engine is from a twin shock bike though...best left a field bike that one
  4. You only tell half a tale, you took the flywheel off but you didnt say you put it back on...did you? wont spark without it!
  5. Haha that's so funny, it's bang on
  6. leave the plug out overnight, forget about it for now...go trick-or-treating or something
  7. Thats not good, hope you havent bust the piston?
  8. leave the cover off as well so that can dry out also
  9. Right, get it dried out and leave it to evaporate...tomorrows another day
  10. The engine was filled with fuel when the carb overlow was blocked by the way...when it was pissing out of the carb vent!
  11. I'm asking if it's capable of overflowing...not blocked with anything?
  12. one more thing...is the carb bowl overflow in working order now?
  13. you're rushing this youve had too many issues and its time to slow down in my opinion, take the plug out with the ignition off, and shove the bike around in 3rd gear to expel the fuel from the casing. Leave the plug out overnight for the rest to evaporate.
  14. you need a new carb now, the overflow acts as a vent for the bowl, you plugged it so now it cannot vent!
  15. It's a particularly dangerous time now we're commuting in the dark, needs a gread deal of caution and assume vehicles are going to pull out on you...that'll slow you down Glad your friend is OK and yeah the best thing is to get right back into it or so they say
  16. Great news, yeahyou hit the nail on the head with that residual oil in the crankcase
  17. I'm baffled now, a few posts ago you said you filled the overflow with solder...so no active overflow then?
  18. you're between a rock and a hard place now, repair wil be £££'s even if you can find someone to do it, you'll find one much cheaper than repair but on the downside you wont know if the one you found is oil tight unless the seller has took the spring off to check
  19. Airhead

    Yamaha XS250 1978

    if you can get a screwdriver in you may be able to get mole grips on there ...end-on ? and tease it back and forth
  20. Haha, i'm off to bed...good luck
  21. yep, that would make it rich, so hopefully you have your problem solved now
  22. really idle isnt a problem it's really easy to achieve so dont worry, cant see it having any effect anyhow
  23. Airhead

    Yamaha XS250 1978

    heat will help, sawing a slot for a flat blade screwdriver will help, at worst, drill the head off the screw and when the component is removed you can get a grip of the screw shaft with mole grips I sometimes grasp the outer edge of the scew with those gland plier type wrenches and rock the screw back and forth to free it
  24. yep, try raising the clip one notch then
  25. If you think it may be starving of fuel, try quickly dabbing the choke on and back off...how does this affect the bogging?
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