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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Hi Alex, not familiar with the technicalities of the model. However i can say that every year when i start my suzuki bandit up in springtime after its winter rest it runs exactly as you say. if i open the throttle it stalls. All i do is let it thoroughly warm up on tickover and gradually as it warms up i can start to open throttle more and more. after 20 mins or so its running like a good un Change all the gas and try it you might be lucky
  2. Airhead


    So, if running your engine with too much oil does all that damage, how does he warm the oil up?
  3. Airhead


    Hello again SRJ999, thought you were on holiday with Aced up
  4. Hoping to go Its at Wombwell circuit this Sunday 22nd, from 9.30 http://www.freewebs.com/show-with-go/
  5. Sometimes the filter mesh is built into the tap, and if you think youre just getting a dribble, could be that.
  6. YBR, nice reliable commuter bike, does'nt pretend to be sporty...Good bike though DT125 popular trail bike, looks great, can supermoto it, more street cred and fun off road too
  7. Yeah, weve had tranny problems before
  8. ive got a DT, but from the days when dinosaurs roamed the earth, so no power valve However, i always thought that they were designed to be a boost to performance, and so should be maintained in good working order, not to be considered a hindrance, but ive been wrong before, ask our 125 peeps...ojaxo? Notice youve had an Aprillia bored out, maybe the DT seems slow after that...Just a thought.
  9. Airhead


    Always stick between the hi lo levels Get a bicycle pump and some fish tank air line Attach the two and suck out excess oil
  10. Airhead

    new mmber

    What on earth do you mean by that LTR Mr Rossi, bet you're fast
  11. Looks promising, thanks for the update.
  12. And all the time one thought one was being called a dumb one! Though quite how a dummy exhaust helps a 'racing' bike?
  13. Thanks yoda but dummy, hey thats a bit strong Ignorant oldgit maybe, never heard of this mod, should have kept my mouth shut eh!
  14. Check this out, from a FZR forum http://www.fzrarchives.com/ipb/index.php?s...&hl=petcock http://www.fzrarchives.com/ipb/index.php?a...lite=%2Bpetcock
  15. Tell us more, like how to connect them to your single cylinder!
  16. Nice pic but...Means zilch to me, sorry, but at least you know how to now
  17. Uugh, thanks for sharing that with us
  18. Open a photobucket account Upload your pictures there With each picture you will see four fields Copy the IMG field Paste into forum
  19. If you do find the prime position, you should not be running the bike long term in that position. There is a simple test of the vacuum tap operation, turn tap to other positions than prime, take off the pipe from the manifold and suck on the pipe, fuel should then flow if working correctly,
  20. ok, if you pull the fuel line to the carb very very slowly, if fuel comes out youre in prime posn and if not, turn the tap to other positions until fuel comes out. Note this posn and turn back off. Replace fuel line on carb, switch to newly found prime and start. run bike and see if it runs consistently without probs. Then try the other posns to see if it konks out
  21. Im going and i Have two spare seated tickets, will sell for face value, PM me if youre interested
  22. No theyre obsolete but theres something interesting here, take a look Oops ballsed it up, but Drewpys got there
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