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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Its a trail bike and as such, is quite tall for ground clearance, taller than a road bike 125
  2. Hmmm....Looks familiar, Show us another pccy, somewhere around the tank filler cap
  3. Airhead

    1st bike?

    Class... sheer class Couldnt be bothered with a moped myself, happy to ride Bantams and a trials cub off road and wait till i was 17 when got a second hand Honda SS125 twin, damn good little bike that was, Oh and 153 MPG and 13 BHP...Food for thought there Oh and ReBorne, You couldnt get those from Woolworths
  4. Oh, i dont know, ...I thought the way you used a ring spanner on your allen key to get extra leverage when the going got tough, showed quite some degree of techy prowess
  5. Hi ReBorne, sorry to hear that, but it all sounds fairly minor stuff (If youre lucky) dont think you'll have too much difficulty sorting it, you just need to source some caliper seals and hopefully the rear suspension is just a tight / dry pivot on the linkage somewhere. On the plus side, youre really learning about that bike of yours.
  6. Joking apart, dont think you should try drilling it out, the drill usually slips off the harder screw and heads for the softer ally casing (Especially if youre using a hand held drill). You need to remove the rest of the screws, Thats ANTI clocwise , remove the casing and hope that theres enough of the old screw to get hold of with some mole grips. Put the broken off screw right at the other edge of the molegrip jaw, this will keep the jaws parallel so they wont slip off...Good luck...And good luck with your adventure
  7. Shouldn't you two be ironing or something?
  8. Airhead


    Go to your photobucket picture There are four fields with each picture, copy the Direct Link field Go back to your edit avatar settings Paste into the 'Enter a URL field' Click the 'Update Avatar' button at the bottom of the screen
  9. Airhead

    YBR 125

    What do you mean "gave up" can you be more specific Did the cable snap? Did it start slipping?
  10. ok, but if you do go ahead and build one, take heed what i said about where the one pipe splits into two. This needs to be an equal 'Y' section at this point, not a Teed of branch like the copper template
  11. Andy, no offence but youre being very economical with what you have said about the picture What is the nice looking jobbie on the left ? What is the template for ? Have you bought the one on the left? If so where from? Ojaxo would be keen to know...Me? well im just intrigued
  12. Hmmm, problem is the one on the left is the only one that will work properly, the exhaust gases need to be presented to an equal Y shaped exit, as the one on the left has, not a T exit as on the right. The gasses on the example on the right will go down the left branch in the main as this is a straight through route at the T so they will take the easiest path
  13. Thats right Andy, its all about the look, can you explain the picture, looks like a proffesional and a home made job. And any way ojaxo might want to know where he can get one etc...Tell us more
  14. Airhead

    5 weeks waiting!

    Hope you get some good weather soon, 5 weeks is a lo..................ng time to be without your wheels, looking forward to the pics, bring on the sunshine
  15. Hi Andy, welcome to the forum.
  16. Its a trail bike and i'll stick my neck out and say that centre stands arent fitted on trail bikes (At least i dont know of any) so you will probably not find one. Perhaps your bike shares the same frame with another model and thats why you can see the mountings, but yours will be a taller bike and so even if you find out what other bike shares this frame, its unlikely the stand would even reach the ground on yours IMHO
  17. Its a fantastic looking bike and if i were in the netherlands (and a bit younger ) I would be off to my local dealers to drool, sit on, talk about this beauty.
  18. Hi Ginger You must not in any way lever or use a wedge between the cases the surfaces are flat and oil tight and wont like this treatment. On old DT's in the right side crank case you will see two threaded holes, one is unused and opposite that there is a screw holding the crankcase oil seal retainer. You remove the oil seal retainer and you now have two threaded holes. You will have to make or get someone to make a puller that screws into these holes and presses down on the end of the crankshaft, take a look at this If you click on the view full size and then click on the image that uploads, you will be able to read the instructions
  19. Airhead

    New boy

    Welcome to the forum shaneevan, hope the rattle isnt serious and you get some answers here.
  20. Hi XT jay, good to hear from you m8, post us a pic sometime here in gallery
  21. Could be a bit of a faff keep removing the seat though, dont think its in the owners manual..oooh and all that hairspray on the filter, you wouldnt be able to do a thing with it before long
  22. Airhead


    Avatar Hit the 'My Controls' button at top of the screen Edit Avater Settings Now you have two choices, Either enter a URL link copy the http://_________ from somewhere else online (could be your photobucket but doesnt have to be) Or Upload a picture from your computer, use the Browse button
  23. Airhead


    Thats it, Welcome to the forum Newboy
  24. Airhead


    No, if you click on the IMG link, you will see it says copied....Then just paste into the forum, and your picture actually appears here...like this And very nice too
  25. Airhead


    Hi Newboy Open a photobucket account Upload your pics there with each pic you will see four fields Copy the IMG field Paste into the forum Least thats how i do it
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