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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Its likely to be the carburetor float height setting, it should be set to 21mm
  2. She's a very attractive girl, couldnt see any where to vote on that link
  3. Hi FS and welcome, Ive got a DT even older, its a 1979 DT175MX, and guess what, yes it got autolube just like the DT125R, its done around 37000 miles and the autolube has never let me down once, you need to make sure that the one on the bike you buy is functioning correctly. As for buying second hand, you could do with taking someone along with you who knows their way around a bike, someone who at a glance can tell if the chain and sprockets are worn and that the bike is apparently in good condition, bearing in mind how old and the price paid, it would be good if you could buy one from a mature owner but unlikely to find one of those in a hurry Look out for Receipts for work done and service history chain wear no rust and pitting and oil (leaking seals) on the fork stancheons, pump them up and down for a while to test have a look round the bolt heads and engine screw heads all over bike, look for signs of damage through using the wrong tools Generally is the chrome, paint, no dents and dings, plastics and decals in good shape Good luck, i think its a good choice to learn a bit about bikes and have some fun
  4. Its been asked and answered before, cant comment on its accuracy, its up to you to do it or confirm with the contributors to This post
  5. Yes, removing that would help the breathing without doubt
  6. Why, has the auto lube system been removed? Normally just keep the two stroke oil tank topped up
  7. If memory serves me correct the ignition timing is indeed adjustable, its just an assembly thing though, ie if its been assembled right it will stay right as there is no points heel to wear, you still wont know if its right unless you check it, but i'm afraid you would need a DTI and an adapter to fit it in the plug hole. What is the restrictor in the exhaust you mention?
  8. Think you might be right there, and we dont know if its got those little holes in the side now its a different carb, might be worth checking up somehow. What about ignition timing can you strobe that, I know its a 6v system, but you can still do it if you connect up to a 12v battery, cant remember but have you tried removing the air filter in case its restricting air flow?
  9. Crikey 7omly, wondered where you'd been , so sorry to hear this but i must say that surely you must have a good case, the council will know what roads they gritted on that date or the previous evening. Listening to your story i cant see how anyone in their right mind would not be sympathetic to your plight. How on earth could you build up evidence when you were carted off to hospital. Didnt the police take photos after this accident? Have you got legal advice from your insurer?
  10. Ive checkut, its different from the european model, the part i means is number 3 Here But I know this as the needle jet and it just screws in, like i said yours is different and i am not sure if it has the same holes in the side, we need to investigate this further
  11. Airhead

    125 on a cbt

    Doesnt matter if you do pass your car test, you will still need to pass bike test or keep taking cbt's
  12. That would make it a VM24SS 3J100 on a DT175H or DT175G, mine uses a 130 main jet as standard, wonder why they are so different! Still think you should clean out the exhaust and check that needle jet as I said earlier, if only because you have done everything else and i know for a fact that mine has become worn in the past and ive had to clean out those little holes in it
  13. I'll stick with thousand...And is not a number
  14. But being a two stroke it should work better with the expansion pipe on, thats why they were developed in the first place so your last move was futile, you seem to know your way round that bike well enough, i'm sure youll get it better. I think you should be looking in the carb area, in the uk the main jet size originally is a 130 so yours should be at least that, maybe try a 135 or 140 Also take out the needle jet and check it for wear with a good magnifying glass, check its perfectly round at the top where the needle goes in and not going oval, and while its out make sure that the tiny holes in the side of it are all clear
  15. pour some coarse grit in the pipe, block the ends and give it a good old shake up, try to clean the muffler up internally too
  16. Both symptoms suggest its too lean with closed throttle, maybe the air screw is too far out or the pilot jet is blocked or fuel level in carb is too low
  17. Airhead


    Love the colours, reminds me of a wasp, as in 'dont f**k with me' or youre gonna get stung
  18. Airhead

    hello people

    Hello Rossi, and welcome
  19. Hi have a look at previous posts on this subject, use the Search button at the top right of these pages, search for DVLA for example
  20. Hi Will and welcome, nice bikes them Dt's, best of luck with your training
  21. Airhead

    Meet Marvin

    Looks good Geoff...Ouch
  22. Airhead

    Chain Pain

    Little tip here reborne...When yo fit the new chain (and a new split link) Keep the old chain, then if you want to remove the fitted chain next time, you clip the old one to it and pull it through as you withdraw the fitted chain, thus negating any requirement to dismantle half your bike(mini style) next time and avoid that gathering in a neat little pile under your front sprocket,
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