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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Welcome to the forum jimbona Personally I think they're a fantastic looking and well engineered bike, but you cant get away from the fact that they're an arse rocket and should be left to more experienced riders IMHO Have you considered a 600fazer s2 they look good too but not so aggresive methinks
  2. I think youre going to have no end of trouble with that tank, If i were you i would have a search set on ebay for another. Second thoughts, ive just had a look myself...£35 + £10 postage...Sounds good to me Here
  3. I answered another post earlier like this, so i'll repeat it for this Well were all coming up with different ideas Ive got three for the mix 1 ) You are developing vacuum in your tank as the fuel is used up, maybe a trapped vent line. To check for this run the bike with the fuel cap loose and if its ok check for trapped vent line. 2 ) Faulty vacuum diaphragm in fuel tap (Petcock), Try running in Prime position, if its ok sort out vacuum diaphragm, dont continue to use prime position as a fix though! 3 ) If the above dont fix it, maybe ypou fuel filter is blocked, To check remove the fuel line to the carbs, switch to prime position, there should be a good flow of fuel. (Definitely a no smoking operation) Good Luck
  4. Cant believe you said this just two minutes before this post Mikey, Its no wonder your friend wants to swap...He's probably sick of the premiums himself! Get a quote and youll see whats a lot for a car...Turbo indeed Why am i always pissing on your bonfire?
  5. Down here in Downing St, When he should be up there with thee!
  6. Well were all coming up with different ideas Ive got three for the mix 1 ) You are developing vacuum in your tank as the fuel is used up, maybe a trapped vent line. To check for this run the bike with the fuel cap loose and if its ok check for trapped vent line. 2 ) Faulty vacuum diaphragm in fuel tap (Petcock), Try running in Prime position, if its ok sort out vacuum diaphragm, dont continue to use prime position as a fix though! 3 ) If the above dont fix it, maybe ypou fuel filter is blocked, To check remove the fuel line to the carbs, switch to prime position, there should be a good flow of fuel. (Definitely a no smoking operation) Good Luck
  7. Cant see a problem with using another carb, but check the needle jet isnt worn oval on this one too. I would first use the main jet out of your original carb (is it a 140?) and the slide too. Have you checked what specs are right for the engine, jet sizes, Cutaway etc? Try to stick to these specs, you can always 'Plug chop' later
  8. Dont know if any damage would be done by that, put an normal plug in and test for spark
  9. Im wondering if youre trying to start it in gear now and the "sidestand fix" came adrift!! Anyhow check its in neutral by turning the sprocket by hand, if its in gear you wont be able to (sorry, stating the obvious now)
  10. Airhead

    Hi All

    Hello Squish, (Thats got a bit of a 2 stroke ring to it!), welcome to the forum and well done on passing your test
  11. Where are you its just started here too As for CDI why should it be damaged, you cant be that unlucky i hope, you know when you had it running, and you then stopped it...How? To go fetch you son to show him...Why wont it start now, doesnt make much sense, i found a drawing on internet but its foreign and dont understand the terminology it uses, will look further....Its a dt125r...Yes? Do you know year?
  12. Thats correct but you must make sure that the plug is well grounded because ive heard that kicking it with the plug not well grounde can damage CDI, If youve got a car jump lead you could use this to grip the plug threads and clamp the other end to engine
  13. When testing for spark at the plug how have you been doing this? Have you got a battery connected as well?
  14. I would hope not because they arent cheap. When testing for spark at the plug how have you been doing this?
  15. Ah i see, make sure its strapped down properly, i suggest some ratchet straps. so youve got an ignition switch connected up, on the bike it would have had a kill switch too, have you got that also or are there a couple of wires shorted together. I would need to see a proper wiring diagram to comment in any detail and havent got one. Just make sure that there arent any wires disconnected, dont know what the buzzing sound is as i am not experienced with power valves How are you supplying fuel to the carb BTW?
  16. You say you went through the gears ok, so is this engine in a bike now and you rode it? Cant quite picture the scene with what youve said so far! BTW there isnt a kill switch that youve operated unknowingly?
  17. Good luck on your 9000 miles travels tommorow Darren, Hope it all goes smoothly and look forward to hearing about it here or on your blog.
  18. No matter what you got, spark plug gap 0.025", Points gap (If its old enough) 0.015", always worked for me.
  19. What do you mean you "have out of the bike" ?? The usual cause of this problem is the side stand switch, As a safety feature bike manufacturers started fitting a switch so that if the bike was put in gear when the stand wasn't retracted the engine would cut out. This was to stop muppets like me doing a pole vault round the first left hander I came to.
  20. its chancy though isnt it, i mean some coppers will know especially traffic cops, If they see you they might just want to take a look. The last thing you want is points and a fine, Then theres the other side of the coin...what if youre involved in an accident and you get injured, do you expect your (or anyone else's) insurance company to pay out compensation, they might just say that the tyre affected the bikes handling on that wet tarmac when you braked and skidded. I would stick to road legal ones, its only a trail bike after all!
  21. Hi, this site may be useful, why not put it in your favourites Look Here
  22. Clymer do a manual for your bike, its 29 dollars, see it Here I sent you a link to this site earlier, you can also look at a diagram of the carb or any part of the bike and see the cost of available parts at the bottom of the page, a luxury we dont have here in the UK. BTW while were on the subject of carbs it seems that there is a model just for California and one for everywhere else, be sure you know which yours is!
  23. He's got a converter Goffy, but worried that the speedo says km /h i think
  24. Hello, is this any use to you Linky ?
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