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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Why are you having trouble, Are you using a puller Like This If you get a puller, make sure its suitable for your model before you buy
  2. Airhead

    Goodbye all

    Sorry to hear this, I'm sure we'll all miss you mate but it seems to be a worthy cause and like they say...A mans got to do and all that, so see you in a year...Good luck mate
  3. I wouldnt want to go over 3000 rpm in first, Whats all this 6000 rpm stuff and wheels spinning out? Have you considered riding lessons?
  4. Hi Sebastian and welcome to the forum, Great choice of bike you made there As for spares, The obvious place is ebay and There are a few DT owners on here that will no doubt offer you help with any questions Get yourself a Haynes manual like This One
  5. Difficult to answer when you cant see it but i'd guess that you will have to drill the head off the bolt then remove the retainer thats not fixed properly any longer, Soak the etainer and headless bolt in penetrating oil for a day or so then try to remove the bolt shaft. When (If) it comes out wash all the penetrating oil off and araldite it back where it belongs,,,Sounds easy does'nt it...
  6. This is what I do Parsley Open a photobucket account Upload your pics there with each pic you will see four fields Copy the IMG field Paste into the forum
  7. Been Done Parsley, Funny it is http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/index.php...amp;hl=ladybird
  8. I recognise that engine, its a Suzuki same as in my Bandit, Its likely to be GSX750.
  9. Petrol on? Not run into reserve? Try reserve position Try prime position if there is one
  10. Hey, I'm in England...Each picture on a sunny day...Doesnt add up does it?
  11. Congratulations Maria, Best wishes to both of you.
  12. Airhead

    Yamaha YAS1

    Hi Harry, welcome to the forum, Not seen many of those advertised but apart from the obvious keep an eye out on ebay, Also if youre in uk it might be worthwhile buying classic motorcycle mechanics, always a good selection of oldies in there.
  13. Hello John and welcome to the forum mate, Heres my two penneth The bike is ten years old...Did anyone ever change the fork oil in that time?, If you cant answer this then do it anyway Check the swing arm bushes by putting the bike on centre or paddock stand, hold the back of the wheel and try to push it side to side, you should find no movement here Find out the correct recommended tyre pressures for your bike and stick to these Apply front brake sit on bike and rock the bike back and forward, check for movement at the steering head bearings
  14. If its a case of digging it out and not too sure where it is, Then theres every chance it will also be a little on the buggered side of functional when you do find it (They need maintenance charging)
  15. I hope youve put them somewhere safe Ted.
  16. For you Jim, measure to the carb flange, not to the gasket...
  17. Measure wit the float just touching the needle and measure to the carb flange, not the gasket that sits thereon
  18. Its not alloy its steel, Check it with a magnet, All you do is tap it upwards around the bottom edge. I know theres not much gap but it shouldnt be to tight and should move without any brute force. I use a small terminal screwdriver and tap that,
  19. Mines a DT175MX, so its a 2008 brand spanking new, £2000 for quick sale...
  20. Airhead

    Crazy Swedish!

    Really sorry to hear this Goff, Blakey wasnt the one in the dog competition a while back was he?
  21. That sounds good to me, When I started (Not that long ago) I too wondered what these acronyms meant, I used to put questions about them in my sig area as a means of finding out.
  22. Airhead


    A Welshman was washed up on a beach after a terrible shipwreck. Only a sheep and a sheepdog were washed up with him. Looking around, he realised that they were stranded on a deserted island. After being there a while, he got into the habit of taking his two animal companions to the beach every evening to watch the sun set. One particular evening, the sky was a fiery red with beautiful cirrus clouds, the breeze was warm and gentle - a perfect night for romance. As they sat there, the sheep started looking better and better to the lonely Welshman. Soon, he leaned over to the sheep and... put his arm around it. But the sheepdog, ever protective of the sheep, growled fiercely until the man took his arm from around the sheep.. After that, the three of them continued to enjoy the sunsets together but there was no more cuddling. A few weeks passed by and, lo and behold, there was another shipwreck. The only survivor was a beautiful young woman, the most beautiful woman the man had ever seen.. She was in a pretty bad way when he rescued her and he slowly nursed her back to health. When the young maiden was well enough, he introduced her to their evening beach ritual. It was another beautiful evening... red sky, cirrus clouds, a warm and gentle breeze - perfect for a night of romance. Pretty soon, the Welshman started to get 'those feelings' again. He fought the urges as long as he could but he finally gave in and, realising he now had the opportunity, leaned over to the young woman cautiously and whispered in her ear, 'Would you mind taking the dog for a walk?'
  23. Hi Ted, Ive done mine too What I did was cut them and paste them into my 'About me page' Press the 'My Controls' button Press th'Edit Profile Info' button Select all the bkes and cut Press the update button at tha bottom Go to your 'About me' page Paste them in there if you want Press the update button at the bottom again Now people can still see you biking history when they view your profile Oooh...800 Posts
  24. Wouldnt use caustic on a repaired silencer, its dangerous stuff and will give you severe burns if you get it on you!!
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