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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. I give up...You win, i'll buy you a beer next time i see you and anyway, i too am a big fan of the old WD40
  2. I'm with Drewpy, get a widget sleeve thingy turned down on a lathe that will slot into the top of the carb slide and prevent it from opening fully. if you reduce the jet sizes you will soon have a hole in the piston crown and this will restrict the bike a little more than you intended.
  3. Airhead


    Doug drove his brand new BMW Z3 convertible out of the car Showroom. Taking off down the motorway, he floored it to 120mph, enjoying the wind blowing through what little hair he had left. "Amazing!" he thought as he flew down the road, enjoying pushing the pedal to the metal even more. Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a police car behind him, blue lights flashing and siren blaring. "I can get away from him no problem!" thought Doug as he floored it to 130mph, then 140, then 150mph. Suddenly, he thought, "What on earth am I doing? I'm too honest for this nonsense!" So he pulled over to the side of the road and waited for the police car to catch up with him. Pulling in behind him, the police officer walked up to the driver's side of the BMW, looked at his watch and said, "Sir, my shift ends in 10 minutes. Today is Friday and I'm taking off for the weekend. If you can give me a reason why you were speeding that I've never heard before, I'll let you go." Doug looked very seriously at the policeman, and replied, "Years ago, my wife ran off with a policeman. I thought you were bringing her back." "Have a good day, sir," said the policeman.
  4. Sometimes the backplate camshafts go dry and stick, to test for this, push the camshaft lever with your hand untill the brake is on, then let it go...it should return to original position, if not you will have to remove your wheel+ brake backplate+shoes+camshaft, clean out the hole and camshaft, apply some grease inside the hole and on the camshaft. push the camshaft back in and wipe away any grease that gets expelled. Be careful not to get any grease on the shoes or brake drum. if you do remove the wheel, whilst its out check the foot lever is free moving as well.
  5. Trade it in for a DTR, much more exciting...sorry
  6. Makes sense,.. i didnt know that! thought they were all pilot air adjusters.
  7. You sure about that Cy?, Thats different to the norm!!
  8. DONT!!! mention WD40 Chains....What chains?
  9. Airhead


    Phil, dunno what you mean when you say"using the original fitting", I didnt use the original fitting...had to find somewhere apprropriate where it would go and not foul the forks movement, like i said the other one is smaller so may even fit where your original is, i suggest you go and have a look at them to decide. As for wiring, mine came with a relay so i used it because it doesnt give the horn switch a hard time.
  10. Are you sure youre 'doing it right', not trying to be funny but sometimes they will only start if you put choke on and dont twist the throttle while you attempt to start, could be just a knack thing!...Possibly
  11. From cold use choke to start and then knock it off as soon as possible, its quite common practice, no wonder youre having trouble, you should need to use choke when the engine's cold, after all...that's why youve got one!
  12. Airhead


    I dont know if it will fit an R6, i just about got it in on my bandit, although i must add that i went to my local motor factors shop and asked them if i could take it out of the box to my bike to weigh up the possibilities before i bought it, they should let you do that if you leave your crash helmet behind the counter. BTW Stebel do a smaller one too...'Magnum', also loud but i dont think its a two tone like the 'Nautilus', these seem popular with bikes. Have a look on their web site for more info.
  13. Airhead


    Go for it, they certainly wake em up yes!! Heres mine, a Stebel Nautilus...with the fairing on you dont know its there.
  14. No wonder youre having trouble, fix the choke and all will be well. try using choke only when engine stone cold and knock it of asap
  15. There is a bolt on either side towards the back, (May be behind a sidepanel) remove these, lift back of seat slightly and then slide it back. what year is your bike? if you PM me your email address i will send you a parts list
  16. You screwed the mixture adjustment screws in, aka pilot air screws, the pilot jets are brass jets inside the carbs
  17. Nice bikes, welcome to the smokers lounge.
  18. Nice one WF, now dont forget your idle mixture screw, im guessing if the new filter is less restrictive you might have to adjust it. First adjust your tickover for a fast steady rate, then adjust idle mixture untik you find the fastest spot, then re-adjust the throttle stop screw for a normal rate. i think it wont be more than 1/4 of a turn from where it is now
  19. Airhead

    jet needles

    are they the same as XS400?
  20. Cant comment on that WF, only you can assess if its possible coz i cant see it!
  21. Thought you were doing this, I think this 90 elbow connector will look pants and its dubious you will see much performance increase, i admit though its good to tinker so why not cut the airbox if you can make a good neat job of it
  22. I agree, it seems that you are compensating for blocked pilot jets or passages by opening the throttle stop screws to bring in the fuel through the main jet, so it looks like further cleaning of the carbs and their passageways, make sure all the tiny little holes in the needle jet emulsion tube and the pilot jet are not blocked, soak them in carb cleaner as well as the carb body, compressed air is useful to blow out the carb passageways Cou could also consider a rebuild kit Here
  23. It screws out anti clockwise, remove the exhaust pipe first, youre lucky theres enough left to get hold of. heat up the area with a butane blowtorch and use a small pair of stillson wrenches to undo it, if it moves a bit and then stops , dont force it but keep rocking it one way and then the other, when you get around 1/4 turn of movement, leave it resting in the middle of this movement and give it a good spray with plus gas or other penetrating spray. leave to soak in for 1/2 to 1 hour and then continue, if it doesnt want to go dont be rough, you dont want to snap it further or strip the threads. there are other tools that will get a good grip, 'gas up lets go' mentioned one recently, it was an Aston super wrench !...Good luck
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