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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. You do know where your spark plugs are dont you? You will see the caps plugged on top of them with a thick wire, at the other end of them wires are the ignition coil /coils. just spray the caps, thick wires (HT leads) and a little on the coil where the HT lead connects
  2. HT (High Tension) leads are the thick wires that connect the ignition coils to the spark plug caps, spray them and the plug caps with WD40, see if that helps, as for the corroded horn, if your bike is still under warrenty i would expect them to replace it! Does your bike have an external oil cannister filter?
  3. It wont be anything to do with the oil, that wont affect performance but will affect engine life, you say its worse in the wet, try a spray of WD40 on the HT leads and plug caps, an easy thing to do!
  4. Chris have you read This thread, could it possibly be pulling a vacuum in the tank, if you think that's possible can you disconnect this one way valve gadget temporarily in order to prove or disprove this possibility. As for a whistling, these thing should set the alarm bells ringing, but you say its at 40 / 50 mph, you sure it isn't wind noise in your lid? try turning your head side to side to see if it goes. If its definitely whistling i would have it checked by the people who recently fitted a new crankshaft, whistling suddenly starting isn't a good sign.
  5. Airhead

    Four Cats

    Four Cats Four men were bragging about how smart their cats were. The first man was an Engineer, The second man was an Accountant, The third man was a Chemist, and The fourth man was a Government Employee. To show off, the Engineer called his cat, 'T-square, do your stuff.' T-square pranced over to the desk, took out some paper and pen and promptly drew a circle, a square, and a triangle. Everyone agreed that was pretty smart. But the Accountant said his cat could do better. He called his cat and said, 'Spreadsheet, do your stuff.' Spreadsheet went out to the kitchen and returned with a dozen cookies. He divided them into 4 equal piles of 3 cookies. Everyone agreed that was good. But the Chemist said his cat could do better. He called his cat and said, 'Measure, do your stuff.' Measure got up, walked to the fridge, took out a quart of milk, got a 10 ounce glass from the cupboard and poured Exactly 8 ounces without spilling a drop into the glass. Everyone agreed that was pretty good. Then the three men turned to the Government Employee and said, 'What can your cat do?' The Government Employee called his cat and said, 'CoffeeBreak, do your stuff.' CoffeeBreak jumped to his feet....... Ate the cookies........ Drank the milk....... Sh*t on the paper....... Screwed the other three cats....... Claimed he injured his back while doing so....... Filed a grievance report for unsafe working conditions....... Put in for Workers Compensation...............and Went home for the rest of the day on sick leave............ AND THAT MY FRIEND, IS WHY EVERYONE? WANTS TO WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT!!
  6. Yes fix it with a patch and buy a new tube too then you will have a spare, get some proper levers Here like these
  7. Hey...I got one of them gooses too
  8. Ive never seen that, theres hours of fun to be had there
  9. Pushbike levers are not strong enough you will bend them. Dont forget to tread on the opposite side to where you are levering to get the bead to the middle of the rim, you will need to buy a motorcycle puncture kit (or a new tube)
  10. How come you get all the bad luck then? Taking tyres off is not an easy thing to do and putting them back on is even harder, rather than spend ages explaining i will scan something and email it you, PM me your email addy
  11. Airhead

    hi guys

    You asked this yesterday and i answered!
  12. Many dealers would just sell you the grips without asking, then after you go to the trouble of fitting them (which sometimes means modifying the throttle grip tube) after doing all this you find your battery going flat, seems he did you a favour, perhaps you were lucky he saw your bike after all!
  13. Always nice to get a new bike, lets hope for a great year to ride now eh!
  14. Airhead

    hi guys

    Hello and welcome 'the beast'
  15. Worth a try, they are a massive dealer http://www.fowlers.co.uk/
  16. Airhead

    no spark

    aye ...but Steve lives there
  17. Are you asking or saying? Have you tried Fowlers?
  18. Plug Type NGK BP - 7ES Plug Gap 0.7 - 0.8mm (0.028 - 0.032in) contact breaker gap 0.3 - 0.4mm (0.012 - 0.016in) The points gap is set at the widest opening. Removing the large plug just left of and below the points reveals the timing mark. The contact breaker points should be set so that they are just opening as the F mark aligns with the pointer
  19. I agree with all of that Darren, but i bought some acerbis ones and couldnt fit them due to the way the electric cables exited the switchgear on my bike, so it's not straightforward that you can use these either, like you say with those others you will only get a bit of weather protection.
  20. They look like poor quality after market ones, i know this because i had them on my DT, they attach by the lever pivot bolt but the pivot bolt is shouldered and is not meant to go through an extra 3mm of plastic so in my case i had some new pivot bolts made. even after doing this i still had to get creative with the saw and knife I may be wrong though as on the link you sent the mounting method cannot be seen!
  21. If there are 2 wires, unplug the connector and check with your multimeter betwee the 2 wires to the switch, STOP = 2 or 3 Ohms, RUN = Open circuit BTW, What are the wire colours?
  22. Bend the little tab where the float needle valve sits
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