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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. hes gone guys, lost without trace!
  2. so tell us some history, what have you done recently...did is run ok yesterday...what did you do since????
  3. couple of questions Did you get any documentation with the bike, perhaps the key number is written down somewhere? You say they both have 6 wires...are they the same colours in each case?
  4. you need to put the bike into 5th gear when undoing and re-torqueing the primary pinion nut, Get someone to sit on the bike with the brakes on. I find that a small self tapper screw into the face of the seal gives something to pull on. ***Watch out for the small plate washer on the tacho drive it often falls off when the clutch case is taken off***
  5. most likely the RH crank seal (clutch side) Can you smell petrol in the gearbox oil ? unscrew the filler and have a sniff is the dipstick level dropping? is the smoke foul smelling?
  6. Good, we'd never have guessed that so glad you found it, that boy needs a talking to
  7. did you keep this to yourself or I missed something ?, hopefully the rarity factor will work in your favour, hey I'm sorry to hear you lost your bike O'B
  8. could be water in the cable, freezing in this cold weather and jamming the movement ?
  9. check the battery didnt boil dry Ed . I think they used a resistor for something, perhaps they dropped any excess voltage by this crude method. I have a wiring diag and parts manual if you PM me we'll arrange for you to also have them
  10. yeah the gouges are quite deep too, you're gonna be lucky if you get away with this one, if you crack the metal she'll be losing oil through the crack ! But if you leave the metal dolly in the hole maybe if it did crack you could get someone to weld it ?
  11. yeah I think I get the jist of what you are saying. I'd tend to agree on your diagnosis of what's causing the stiff clutch. All I can think of is to have a steel bolt fashioned in a lathe so it just goes down that hole and tap it in there using the hex head to wiggle it about and to aid removal...would this work? You have cause yourself some greif here for not maintaining your bike properly !
  12. Just fantasric mcf you put a lot into all them bikes, they look great and so does the climate
  13. whats the problem BT, just paint the fecker ?
  14. Ahh yes it looks like the 2T oil feed ?, you premixing then?
  15. She's gonna sound bloody fantastic ross, changing the can was a great move for me too on my TTR, it transformed the bike
  16. Good move Ed all that garage time pretending it's for 'her' benefit lol
  17. Fantastic what a geat job Sam? I can almost smell it, I keep seeing curious differences on that german bike, Brake pedal, sproket cover extension, headlight rim, indicator mounts and petrol cap...how does the tank vent? I was waiting for a contrived supposely first start and was surprised to see we got the real deal
  18. Airhead


    Get a car as well
  19. Greetings Dennis, nice bike...show us
  20. Helicoil the left one, you're stuck with the right one though it's a LH thread
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