Look down the carb barrel from the manifold side towards the throttle slide, you will see one or two holes in the bottom of the barrel, how many can you see? if its just one then this is the pilot hole and if its two it will be pilot and bypass holes, both these need to be clear for no throttle and low throttle performance.
Regarding the hole in the carb barrel nearest the manifold side...Many carbs have a two hole idle system which gives better low speed and mid range throttle response than the simpler one hole type. At very small throttle openings, the bypass hole and not the pilot hole actually provides the engine with fuel. Instead the pilot hole acts as a supplementary air bleed to further atomise the fuel airafter it passes through the idle jet. As the throttle opens wider, the pilot hole too begins to spray fuel. This serves to supply the engine with additional fuel until the air speed throgh the carb increases enough to start the main jet and needle valve flowing fuel into the engine