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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Aahh!! brought a lump to me throat and a tear to me eye that post...my first love at fourteen years old and a lifelong love of motorcycles was spawned from owning that little beauty, cost me 50p and robbed a carb from a mate to get it going, had loads and loads of laughs on it too, as well as the missing carb it also had no exhaust so I pressed my engineering skills into action and sawed some bicycle dropped handlebars up and made my own, there was no peace to be had in the sleepy villege of Hadfield anymore The trick to start it was supposed to be pull in the handlebar mounted de-compressor and with the bike on the centre stand pedal and the let the de-compressor out...All well and good but I didnt have a decompressor cable and handlebar lever...nor a centre stand so it was push in the decompressor valve on the cylinder head...just pretend it isnt hot, no its not burming me really ...FFS start, start I say effing start Aaaaghhh!!! all this while paddling the bike forwards in a penguin like waddle, then as the de compressor valve was let go...a frantic grab for the handlebar as the beast roared into life and shot forwards with a crackle and the odd flame spitting from the home made zorst....Happy days indeed!!! Actually mine mas a much more modern one as i first got it, what...with its tele front fork and everything, as i remember it was more like this but then when travelling home on the train from Glossop to Hadfield one day I saw an old bike frame dumped in a field so being into all thing motorcycle I went to investigate...couldnt believe my luck when it turned out to be a mobylette frame with a swing arm instead of the rigid arse end that mine had...much more street cred, no youre right 'cred' hadnt been invented then, I mean 'Kudos' ... so i lugged it home, gave it a lick of the finest dulux and made me a proper bike...complete with a handlebar mounted de-compressor. looked more like this one then...like I say . A proper bike. If youre wondering what that is behind the bike....Thats the wifes transport Still got a soft spot for these old peds now...Havent I drewpy??...
  2. Good news, congratulations and stay safe.
  3. I dont know if there is a paint code colour, myself i took my tank in to a motorspares shop and ploughed through their catalogues for a match, then got them to mix the colour for me, I didnt paint the tank but did the side panels and mudguards and its a close match, unlike the one tonight...
  4. Not familiar with the 400 but if it's the same as the DT175E there will be two pipes, one from the oil tank to the oil pump and one from the oil pump to the carb, let me know if you intend using the pump and i I will look up the part numbers for you. As for "But I also thought that an oil line should go the bottom of engine to ensure proper lubrication at higher speeds."...not sure what you mean here, there is no oil line to the engine.
  5. At a guess, I would say the 6v ones will glow brighter because they have a lower resistance value than the 12v ones.
  6. So if everything is there, would it not be wise to see if it can be got working before going down the 'awkward' pre-mix path? First check if the pump is stroking, with the engine idling, turn the pulley by hand the same way the cable would turn it on open throttle, watch the pump you should see it stroking.
  7. That was a stroke of luck...good one...
  8. Airhead

    scaryy as.....

    Well when I read the thread it said I was doing 40 into a nasty bend On a wet road With a girl on the back not wearing a helmet with shot brake pads is this not neglect in your book?...sorry you dont think I was welcoming but sometimes things just need saying.
  9. so is the pump, tank, piping and operating cable fitted to the bike?
  10. As far as I know it does, i think drewpy is referring to the engine kill switch, usually found somewhere on the right hand controls. Take a multimeter between battery positive and an engine mount bolt, see if you get battery voltage, If not check battery pos to neg, if you now get battery voltage you must have a bad battery neg to chassis connection.
  11. Good to hear youre OK and happy, and good luck with the Exams, see you on the other side...
  12. Hi spuddy, read the sticky in the for sale section "Posting in this section"
  13. Airhead

    scaryy as.....

    So more dummy out of the pram shit from you, take a week off and polish your fucking diploma you slapped arsed twerp, I dont give a shit if you dont come back after your little holiday.
  14. First point is to keep an eye on the plug colour but 115 jet would be about right in the 125MX. As for the noisy silencer, is it the type that is fitted to my bike These silencers need re-packing occasionally, you can buy new packing material, see picture, you need to pack it tightly around the central baffle tube and you will notice quite a reduction in the noise output...
  15. Looks great you did a great job there but sh!t man youv'e oversprayed all over the jeep
  16. Airhead

    scaryy as.....

    I stand by what I said I think your brakes wore out and spat the pads out because youre a twat and dont look after your bike, and also give scant regard to others safety the fact that it was 1 in the morning makes toss all difference, you may have not noticed that i'm a moderator here and your'e on thin ice, you have been warned.
  17. Hi Kev, get yourself a carb synchronising gauge and set the carb balance....Thats my guess...
  18. Here it is http://www.pocketgpsworld.com/modules.php?...pic&t=65763
  19. You need to strip and clean the carb again, the fact that it works fine with choke and not without choke suggests fuel starvation, give it a good clean examine the jets carefully for blockages or restictions, use a good magnifying glass if necessary as its not easy to see through some of the small holes. Also use an aerosol carb cleaner and compressed air to blow through the small passageways in the carb...Best of all have it ultrasonic cleaned. Note if you do use carb cleaner, remove items that have rubber components or 'O' rings such as choke plunger and air mixture screw first, keep carb cleaner away from these parts. When its clean check and set the float height to specification.
  20. What happens if you put the choke on as you open the throttle?
  21. Airhead

    scaryy as.....

    Neglect! The same neglect that allows a passenger to be on the back without a helmet.
  22. Airhead

    New member

    Welcome to the forum Joe, sorry I cant help with the TR1 but for what its worth you should be able to see the effect of the spring on the gear lever as you move the lever each way, do haynes do a manual for this bike?
  23. That sounds the same set up as my DT175MX (79) key to the right and switch on left hand control, with left hand control off = Pilot only, on = headlight
  24. Hi there Pete, welcome to the YOC forum. yes we would love to see your pride and joy, the answer to posting pics is in the FAQ's section ...Paul
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