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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Hi Stu and welcome Have you got a multimeter? If so set it to DC Amps, plug in to the 20A socket, disconnect one side of the battery and connect the multimeter in series, leave the switch OFF and the bike shut down as parked. You should see little or no current flow through the meter. If you do then there is leakage to earth. I would start with unplugging the reg / rectifier to see if thats the culprit and take it from there. ...Paul
  2. Thats probably true yes, an even easier way would be to bring pressure on individual oil companys and carry on buying from others...who shall we start with then? I notice that it was 'Bikers' who had the loudest voice last time the fuel companys held the country to ransom...which just happened to coincide with the start of the economic downturn...which then ended up with recession.
  3. Hi Dave, if your bike is a DT175A the correct standard jet would be 150, you are running a less restrictive filter so that will require a richer jet, say 160. Also air density has an effect too, high altidude and hot dry climates etc also have the effect of richening further. I would go for the 160 first and do a plug chop, put the needle back to the correct clip position. jets aren't expensive anyhow so you could even buy a choice of the sizes
  4. Naahh...its only a bit grey at the sides
  5. Hi Mick and welcome aboard, DT175MX cables are still available but could be shorter? did you try Fowlers or Granbys? or TYTrials or Redrose give these guys a bell, they should know. ...Paul
  6. Airhead


    Greetings Dale
  7. Yep a great idea, thanks for pointing it out Woody Pinned...Paul
  8. Airhead

    Yamaha RS 100

    I suppose not, a beginner may have difficulty even removing a screw that is jammed before you rush into that do the fuel flow test and check for a good spark, to do that remove the spark plug then fit it back into the plug cap and rest it onto the cylinder head while you kick the engine over with the ignition on...watch for a spark (keep your fingers away...it hurts)
  9. Do you really think its woth the effort, whats wrong with the drum, its a brake after all and out on the trail will lock up easy enough if you stand on the pedal! dont forget you will have all sorts of issues with mounting the caliper and the hydraulic master cylinder etc. I doubt you will get an answer as to if anyone ever did this either
  10. Why, whats on it now...a drum? is it worth the aggro?
  11. Hmmm the problem is that if the chain is worn out then so may the sprockets be...have you ever put a new bicycle chain on a worn out sprocket set? I have and it jumps like crazy...good luck though ...Paul
  12. Welcome to the forum Nick. I had mine done a few years ago, they look great but I'm not happy now and wish i'd had my original rims re chromed...to the point that i've since bought some old wheels with the intention of doing just that. PM me your email address I will send you a scanned article on wheel building.
  13. Airhead

    Yamaha RS 100

    Welcome 'bikedog' First pull off the fuel pipe from the carb and verify that there is a good flow of fuel, then replace it try again (use choke). Failing this check for spark and if ok then perhaps youre looking at a carb strip / clean ...Paul
  14. Surprisedat the low mileage, but sounds like valve seals to me, the trouble with modern four into one systems is you can't identify which cyl / cylinders are the culprit.
  15. Great pics Drewpy, was a great morning out and after the week weve had it was nice to see the weather brighten up briefly. Will definately do it again and recommend it to anyone near enought to make the trip. Littledave, I made a donation on your behalf...Thanks http://s294.photobucket.com/albums/mm116/oldgitonabike/Shows%20and%20Events/Sally%20Army%20Toy%20Run%2011_07_2009/?action=view&current=100_1292.flv
  16. Airhead

    Tyre squeak

    Try some oil Kev No...DONT!
  17. Greetings Ryan, thats an odd place to park the bike.
  18. Thats just sooo much better than our Foamy films
  19. You will see Here that you have a DT125LC3 86 - 88 ...Paul
  20. Does the fuel tap have a 'PRIME' position, if so try that for a while. ...Paul
  21. If you do opt for the two pin variety, just leave the black wire that went to the original relay disconnected, dont ground the two pin relay.
  22. Y'know though Sean, my bike (DT175MX) only has the two wires, a brown 6v supply and a Br/W output to the switch and lamps, dont see why that wont work on yours, it doesnt use a chassis connection.
  23. There is only one ground (chassis) connection on the 3 pin relay, the black wire. The brown is a +6v feed and the Br/W is the output feed to power the lamps. ...Paul
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