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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. No wonder you cant find one, have they been invented
  2. Happy new year Merv, did'nt know youd met him too
  3. Welcome and happy new year Chris.
  4. ,Good job i'm thick skinned . . . . cue the deletion of skinned Happy new year all ...Paul
  5. Airhead

    new guy

    Greetings kishan, all yams welcome especially smelly smokey ones
  6. I had a Gianelli once but i used my bike a lot back then and didnt regularly paint it, so like all the others it ended up rotten, you just dont see them any longer, even on ebay, last one i saw on ebay had been powder coated...as the Americans might say...go figure! You say your Gianelli has a pipe in a pipe, but my stock one has a big air gap between the two like this
  7. But the supposed dynamics of an expansion pipe is precisely to do just that, ie reverse the flow of gasses and push the unburned fresh charge back into the cylinder before the port is blocked off by the rising piston, so i dont see any benefit to leaving this in there and i think it has origins in de-tuning more likely. There should be as little as possible obstuction from the exhaust port to the header to cause turbulance. Cant figure the differences in sizes here Jason, dont tell mee there is a different part number for a 125 and a 175 pipe !! and unbeknown to me i've got a 125 pipe here Love that comment...too true
  8. Recently took off the top end from my bike, had a look into the exhaust header and found a subtle restriction lurking in there. Cant understand why Yamaha would have done this unless it was for a foreign market for some reason. This flies in the face of any good tuning practice as it will give rotten gas flow characteristics. ....Now...wheres my hole saws? Any how heres some pics
  9. The usual culprit is the water (coolant) pump seal has gone.
  10. Its been de-classified now to WTF Great film but i dont buy the 20 Euros bit
  11. Thanks for that titbit of info For all iknow it could be Cynic, one of those horrible globe things AKA 'American Pre Focus' lamps (Google it) just like mine and yours and available in bulk on ebay item search number 390084210593 (the linky thingy isnt worrking )
  12. You're confusing me now Matt, the link i sent (Wemoto) doesnt state 12v, that was Yamagods link, if you are in doubt ring them up, they are open today.
  13. ^+1 Thats what i was thinking too, not worth the searching, the work to fit and the expense for a field bike, points will be just as good here.
  14. Airhead

    yb 100 HELP

    Can you try to bump start it? Where in Deryshire?
  15. I edited it as was to much like selling out of the for sale section, you wouldnt have to be a sherlock holmes to see though
  16. Yes...early bikes would be but by the year of yours they had realised that 12v was the way to go, just check your battery voltage to confirm if you like
  17. Hi Matt and welcome to the forum, I dont know about the bulbs but the info will no doubt be in a workshop manual if you can find one for this bike RS RXS100 manual Here
  18. A good judge of character What bike is it a triumph herald? ...just in case i see something
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