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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. I dont know chris maybe the pipe is stainless steel, maybe its ferrous chrome plated. Like I say I am not that familiar so cant advise. we have a few members who will no doubt have something to add here, Ttaskmaster and oldtimer to name just two.
  2. Welcome to biking and to the forum Chris. Not familiar with the baby drag so I will generalise a little. I suggest you buy a stainless steel hose (jubilee) clip of the correct size, then take the guard and the clip to a professional welding place such as a sheet metal fabricators or something but be sure you get it 'Tacked' on at the correct place, correct angle and in such a way that you can access the head with a 7mm socket or a screwdriver. Cant help with the lock but you could order one from Fowlers of Bristol I suppose. ,,,Paul
  3. When the brale plate is off you may feel a little ridge inside the drum at the edge, this is brake dust and crud build up. You need to sand this down smooth before fitting the brake back in, the shoes could snag on that.
  4. Pull off the fuel delivery pipe to the carb and check for a good flow rate. Crank seals might have a bearing too, try spraying WD40 at the seal behind the magneto, if the seals are leaking this can cause hard starting. BTW have you tried a bump start?
  5. Cant see ATF fluid being an issue on the seals although I wouldnt recommend it as a lube. The seals may be just worn out, the seal on the left will suck air in and the one on the right (clutch side) will suck oil in and cause smoke. To some extent fuel will pass into the oil and can sometimes be detected by the smell. Trouble is its an old bike and you dont know its history, like when they were changed last
  6. I'll settle for excessive, quite appropriate really for a load of guff about Xs's If you think I attacked you, you would love to meet our Goff! I never did say your guff was unbelievable or ridiculous, that is your interpretation of what I said ...please yourself Yep we have an occasional spammer on this board and they sometimes write stuff in the style of your post, it seems at the moment you are not one of them but at the time I replied I wasnt sure. Fuck me I bet youre great at scrabble. Why bring it up then? I think your far too intelligent for this ere forum too. Ejoy the BMUU forum That would be funny if I said you were over MY top, however If you look again I said over THE top, this by definition does not put me under your bottom.Nice try
  7. Airhead

    Engine code 1L6??

    1L9 = XS360 1T6 = XS360 1U6 = XT500 11G = XS1100 1L6 = LB50
  8. How is it with choke?
  9. http://www.slimduck.com/dt1250_wiring.html
  10. Thats ok mate youre new its understandable, but wants in the wanted section and you have to pay a small subscription for posting there. so bear this in mind.
  11. lol...wonder what he wanted
  12. Dont consider doing this, the regulator is there to keep the voltage levels down to an acceptable level. You would risk other damage by ignoring it. Anyway we dont know rhe reg is faulty yet although as said it is one of the usual suspects.
  13. Well i'm learning all the time Nick, My 3BN head is a Y1 and my 3MB is a Y2, so I am keen to know what you have there any chance of photos top and bottom of those you have, I am not a DTR expert got mine in January this year and have learned a bit already. Welcome to the forum.
  14. I would consider it, but first make sure its for your bike, make sure the seller will accept returns, and ask if it is in full working order, old is not necesarily bad. My DT has 38000 miles on a 1979 shocker Dont make em like they used too!
  15. Thays what 'Cynic' is saying, check it out on the Hagon site for yourself, 91 onwards 600 diversion.
  16. How is it with choke?
  17. Maybe I could have worded that better, dont put the black meter lead to chassis!! or you will blow the meter of its internal fuse. leave the battery neg connected to chassis, put meter between batt + and the lead that connects to Batt +, apologies if you already knew this.
  18. Just wondering Vic, put the meter to measure DC amps x 20. Charge battery and then connect the black to chassis, then measure in series between the + terminal and the red wire to meter. you will get an indication of any discharge into the bike that way.
  19. Have you got a multimeter?
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