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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. What colour is your bike and decals Lee?
  2. Airhead


    Welcome Paul, Wemoto do them to order, they will ship to states. Have a look on their site, they were DT175MX here in the UK. ...Paul http://www.wemoto.com/bikes/Yamaha/DT_175_MX/78-79/
  3. 5000 miles in 30 years That thing has got lazy! Welcome to the forum ...Paul
  4. Have you got the owners manual...did someone write the number in the back possibly? That would have been a good idea
  5. He changed it without acknowleging my little witticism, humour? ... which is surprising as his into is quite funny
  6. Yes and the ignition coil mounting is a wiring harness ground point too, so check its clean and bright there.
  7. There is only one back light for UK bikes, I suspect German one may be slightly different with mountings for side reflectors possibly. Anyway can you post pictures? As for mounting holes...there are holes in the metal inner guard, the outer ones line up plus one for a cable entry into a recess in the metal ...dont get the question lets check the magneto coils, how many wires does your CDI have? If all else fails it has to be a replacement CDI but thats after we have tried everything and found no faults.So lets get on with the fault finding
  8. Airhead


    Welcome Booney, so you only get a year out of your grundies, try the back to front and inside out technique and you could considerably improve on this
  9. Good stuff Steve, but I'm not sure what youre saying here. My DT175 is Pressure plate Friction plate Rubber ring plain plate Friction plate Rubber ring Plain plate etc etc ending in friction plate rubber ring Clutch centre is this yours?
  10. Thats the one Drewpy, only with optional extra pillion pegs for an intimate ride
  11. Airhead

    Ha Ha

    Strawberry milkshake. Too sickly
  12. I like Cynic's theory. Sun makes sensor hot so choke is switched off so no start Get a parasol or park it in the shade
  13. PM me you email address and I will scan the diagram for you, then at least you can see what youre doing, I havent looked at the problem with regard the correct diagram The wrong diagram is in haynes ISBN 0 85696 661 4 The right diagram is in haynes ISBN 1 85010 300 3 This is the best one, cant understand how they got it so wrong in the other http://cgi.ebay.com.sg/Yamaha-DT175MX-Haynes-Manual-DT125MX-DT175-DT125-DT100_W0QQitemZ150447971503QQcmdZViewItemQQssPageNameZRSS:B:SILF:SG:101 In the 'Wrong one' They state the diagram is for DT175E and DT175MX...clearly it is for DT175E but not MX, look at the diagram, keyswitch is just two position and no parking lamp. Muddies the waters somewhat when youre trying to fix a lighting issue.
  14. I take back what I said, the confusion lies because we were both looking and trying to fault find from the WRONG bloody diagram...thanks Haynes. Ironically in my OTHER Haynes manual I find the right diagram
  15. Ah thats because it's a 4J3 (DT125MX) and 4J4 (DT175MX) UK models wiring loom
  16. it says in my Haynes manual that one possibility of this would be "Clutch assembly loose on mainshaft" ? I know the type of plain plate you mention they are designed to reduce clutch niose and because some of the plate is cut away then when in use centrifugal forces stop the things from rattling about. With a full set of them you would assemble with the tags at 60 degree intervals so it balances up and does the full 360 degrees with all plates used. As you have only two I guess you should assemble them with the tags 180 degrees (opposite) each other for balance. Also check oil level. Then there is clutch adjustment, not sure which yours is but some are a screw and locknut in the centre of the pressure plate, to adjust this type it is an oil drain job. slacken cable, screw in adjuster until contact is felt then back off a little, you should feel a little free play at the engine mounted lever. Then do your cable adjust. The later type is an adjuster and locknut near the sprocket, here is what my manual says about that one.
  17. You need to clean it out then, I dont think there is any sound deadening material in there??? anyone? so take it off the bike and perhaps a blowlamp will do it...I dunno. A re-paint after though will be in order, (Plasticote BBQ paint from Wilkinsons)
  18. Try disconecting the 6 way plug/socket to the lights switch in the headlamp shell. With lights switch ON check with a multimeter, there should be no or very little resistance between 1: Brown and Blue/White 2: Yellow/White and Yellow and Blue (in any combination) Also check the condition of the plug and socket
  19. These might be close...worth a phonecall? http://www.mandp.co.uk/productinfo/526120/Off-Road/Fork-Gaiters/On-Two-Wheels
  20. Airhead

    Bike shops

    Manchester Xtreme is a moto X shop but they will get you any yamaha part still available for your bike http://www.manchesterxtreme.co.uk/index.html Wemoto is always worh bookmarking http://www.wemoto.com/bikes/Yamaha/FZR_600_3HE/92-93/ Busters M&P also ebay can be good, can also be crap...you have to ask the right questions.
  21. Yep, look out on ebay and get yourself one too. best one is the later one with the DTRE picture on the front, more chance of selling it on later.
  22. Airhead

    OT's Birthday

    Happy birthday oldtimer (Paul), a nice day it is too.
  23. VM26SS 3MB00 Main Jet 210 Air Jet 0.7 Jet Needle 5J25 Clip position 4th from top Needle Jet Q-2 Throttle Cutaway 2.5 Pilot Jet 22.5 Power Jet 60 Air Screw (Turns Out) 1 and 1/2 Float Height 21mm Give Steve a ring, he's the expert
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