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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Airhead


    yeah but they are two a penny
  2. why have you started a new user name unpronounceable as it is? That is against forum rules bella9 I would like you to stop serial posting about your bike and keep all the info in one thread, I said as much in one of your posts...you read it I know, then decided to not only start new posts all over again but under some stupid user id Explain yourself!
  3. I wonder if they are the ones Yambits sell http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/YAMAHA-DT125E-DT125-E-2-75-X-21-FRONT-TYRE-/230427823533?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item35a6918dad
  4. Bummer thats bad luck Jason. I have never had to fix a leak but I bet Mervin knows of a good cure. I had one on my DTMX many many moons ago but I bought a new tank because I didnt know about fixing them back then.
  5. Airhead


    Could it be that they are merely referring to the bearing that is located by the 5th gear pinion and not actually the gear itself? assuming of course it is a 5 gear bike.
  6. Only time I would do that is if I had run out of the proper stuff Jim. It doesnt stick anywhere near as good as chain lube ( I use the wet sticky type), and not that I do much these days but riding in the wet would soon see it off.
  7. Dont put a new chain on your old sprockets Jordan, it will wear out double quick.
  8. no wonder it stripped gears totally different thread pitch add shims to reduce pump stroke yes but I think it is not possible on later style pumps, ie the ones with a push on cover over the bleed instead of a screw plug. not 100% on that but I think I read it somewhere between Haynes pages
  9. maybe it would be worthwhile joining here http://rd125lc.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=search surely they should know, if you do find out though let me know.
  10. Get the mobylette working Drewpy, you'll steal the show mate or you can borrow my DTR
  11. I would fit a new exhaust gasket Paul, you said not long ago your exhaust was cherry red, this could have damaged the gasket and cause an air leak...air leaks cause bangs.
  12. Nice...who did it...any chance of a picture?
  13. how is that possible?
  14. Pete is right, you need to adjust the preload, remove the locking screw and turn the collar. Jack up kit is precicely that...it will give more ground clearance and done front and back could be desireable off road, it will however still bottom out unless you lose some weight or adjust preload or both
  15. lol youve no chance now, you should have said its only 3 mins and hoped we didnt notice...and speaker building !! I see though you decided to 'spare' us by not posting the video or a link
  16. Uunless you can think of something youre going to have to space then 5 notches apart and be done with it.
  17. Yeah I came to the same conclusion, it still wuoldnt have worked if it was biased. I am dumbfounded by this, 23 slots is 15.65 degrees between each slot...so how come Haynes can make approx 70 degrees from that. And for that matter why didnt they say 72 degrees which would have been correct (but still unachievable)
  18. Thats woth investigating, isnt there a punch mark and an arrow to align?
  19. Funny thing is my DT175 has ten slots for the friction plates and so it is easy to arrang the 5 plain plates evenly, yours has only 8 slots
  20. are all the plain plates identical though, thats a straw worth grasping at although I cant imagine why any company would incur higher production costs to make them different
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