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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. and apperently it WAS an appropriate title after all ...so welcome from me too budunt.
  2. That would be a great move if you can pull it off
  3. The TZR will be a great little bike, dont worry about the next one just enjoy that for a while because when it's gone you might well miss it
  4. Thats the way mate get one before they're all gone any ideas about what?
  5. Wooo nice to see you again DDT, so did you get rid of the 175? shock!!
  6. Greetings Konrad, get a bigger bike, venture out of Cornwall...you too can be a 'Grockle' sonny
  7. He's deffo livin the dream
  8. That reminds me wheres oldtimer gone?
  9. can you get it home Connor.. have you got breaksdown cover? you will get a better response in the evening than daytime
  10. Did you get that in writing? it would be more useful. we already knew that but it would be more use in writing...can you forward me an email?
  11. But where are you...UK...USA...Timbuktoo? Assuming UK any Yamaha dealer or agent should be able to supply I use Manchester Xtreme (its a motocross shop) and the owner can be bothered, top marks to them
  12. Happy birthday Cynic, BIG FOUR-O Have a good one mate
  13. Greetings Alan, first bike eh? a 600 with L plates
  14. On these bikes the oil level is taken WITHOUT having the dipstick screwed down.
  15. How about an intro in the noobs forum? About 1/2 way is usual with the bike upright
  16. ragged to death I suppose, my daughter had a metro (car) stolen some years ago, it was recovered with a blown engine and the spark plugs had melted
  17. The stand switch is worth further investigation. Check the black/White wire insulation isnt chaffed and shorting to the frame or any metal
  18. Airhead

    RDD 11R

    No offence een but..
  19. Nice choices NEO and welcome in ...I've owned my DTMX 79 from new and yours looks like a 78 to me.
  20. shouldnt matter with the neutral light on but worth a check..
  21. Greetings from rainy glossop baz
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