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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Get a quote from PJME, they will get you a piston and do a quality rebore. Send it off to them.
  2. Ive been busy with her makeover, OK so the date is out a year
  3. No idea mate, probably a lot. Shame you rushed in and paid good money for a not so good bike. Its not that old either, cant imagine why it is fully open, this probable led to the demise of the small end bearing as you have to give them lots of welly every time you set off when they are like that. Cant you just re-connect it and take out the pin from the pulley?
  4. Greetings Aldo I find pictures 600 to 900 pixels wide are big enough. see subforum FAQ's in 'Noobs' for posting pictures. Resize them in photobucket or before you upload to photobucket is quickest
  5. Why? yours is in spec isnt it. What plug is fitted ? and what does the manual say should be fitted?
  6. Lets get the terminology right first 'algaib' Its the float needle valve you are referring to? If you want or need to fit a new one then as you say £50 is ridiculous. Try motocarb or yambits, i'm sure they will both be able to get you one for far less than that. When you cleaned the carb out did you remove the valve and also unscrew the seat to look for crud behind the brass seat, you really should have done. Take care there is a very fine gasket ring behind the seat. Also dont mess around with the float height to try to correct a problem caused elsewhere, keep it to spec for correct performance.
  7. Well I always thought it was on or the other, someone correct me if i'm wrong. What does the manual say about plug type and cap type. I would fit whatever plug the manual says and if thats an 'R' type fit a cap without resistor. Still not sure if this is related to your problem though as you had it running well with this combo ?
  8. Dont forget that sometimes bikes are fitted with resistor type spark plug caps, these have a LOT of resistance and you need to check the secondary with this removed if it is one of those. If your bike has a plug without an 'R' in the number it may well have one of those. You shouldnt be using a resistor plug as well as a resistor cap, just one or the other.
  9. Yes of course thats why I posted it
  10. Greetings to the YOC forum ...Paul
  11. lol you really SURE you wanted to sell it
  12. I just searched for dt125lc (no spaces)in the search box and got four pages of hits, you have to select Forums if thats where you want to look, you cant be so picky about the mk2 as the crap search facility cannot deal with 3 digits
  13. Hmmm not sure what they mean by stator coil, theres usually several coils in there. Anyway you might as well check them as far as you can, the charge coil is ignition related (sometimes called source coil) search for coil in your PDF, note down all you find relating to resistance checks including the ignition coil, also note any reference to wire colours for the checks and away you go.
  14. Have a word with Dawkins over on the aircooledRD club forum http://www.aircooledrdclub.org.uk/forum/forum_topics.asp?FID=42
  15. Yeah its a typo, it should be Ohms. secondary will not be 7.9 ohms though, more like 7.9K Ohms There will be other specs in the book I think, for the pulser coil as 'Cynic' suggested and the source coil
  16. Greetings Nick Never heard of an FZ150, a picture?
  17. To urgent for an intro in 'Noobs' ? Ah well Small end bearing isnt that hard to do if you are tooled up and have a degree of mechanical competence. OK I understand not everyone has so If that's the case youre a bit stumped on that one. As for the powervalve, can you hear a swish swish sound when you turn on the ignition key?
  18. Hello and jj2k, look forwar to the pictures
  19. its no good having 'a good look' mate. you nead to take measurements and compare them to specifications. you will need a workshop manual, a multimeter and the ability to do this
  20. Do you wear rollers? my mum used to but havent seen them in ages now
  21. Airhead

    green lanes

    Join the TRF and they will show you what's available in your area and also give good advice about how to ride sensibly and what not to do when 'joe public' has a go at you for exercising your right's. I am assuming that you do have a TRF branch in your area.
  22. Theres an easy test of the seals if its possible with your bike. is there a breather pipe on the top of your gearbox housing?
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