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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Greetings oneowl plenty of XS400 expertise and interest in here mate.
  2. Greetings Tye Every time I see one of these babys I cant believe they are only tiddlers. Look forward to seeing your progress with this.
  3. Greetings 'Wings' aye we loiks enduros ere
  4. The other two wires Blue and Black are for the meter light so leave them be, you are only concerned with Blu/Red and Blk/whi If they are shorted disconnect them, if they are not shorted then short them. I advise that whatever you do try to do it in such a way as to not damage the wiring, like short them in the plug for exaple rather than chopping your loom.
  5. Wow thats a shock, glad to hear youre on the mend mate, so thats the end of motorcycle for you then?
  6. the seller wont know the part number, but granbys or fowlers will and they can compare for you if they can be bothered, ask them nicely and tell them youre in a fix.
  7. Yamaha dealers...what did they say, I ask again is it discontinued or can't they be bothered? Try Granbys or Fowlers and find out if it's discontinued or not If it is discontinued ask then if they will do you a favour and compare part numbers between yours and that earlier version, they can only refuse but \i dont think they will if its discontinued and youre stuck.
  8. Hey Phil try your locker at work Buy three more batterys and charge all four with this
  9. yes mate both mechanical cable drives, tacho is obviously from engine. There is a drive unit on the front wheel. Will post some more pics tomorrow if you want...off to bed now
  10. Greetings John the scouser Look forward to seeing the progress of the DTR ...Paul
  11. Read all about it. http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/index.php?app=subscriptions
  12. Speedo drive is off the front wheel An intro in new members?
  13. Yep nice place, should do well.
  14. Greetings wff.. Roll on the resto thread, whereabouts are you then? ...Paul
  15. Airhead

    radiator cap

    overheating on a DTR? Thats often a head gasket leak, there are lots of cheap pattern gaskets around and if they are fitted dry they dont last long...been there, got the T shirt
  16. Greetings again Giz, your memory must be as bad as mine lol
  17. Airhead

    1974 dt250a

    morning gordo must say i'm a bit puzzled as to why it would make this noise "with the engine turning over in neutral" because the shaft you are questioning is stationary at that time? You need to isolate where its coming from I suppose. is it from the crank or is it from the transmission shafts...or the primary drive gearing? do the obvious like testing for play best you can. take off the primary drive crank gear and run the crank round by hand to check for noise etc. Spin the clutch basket checking for noise again If you really do have to split it you may have to put the primary drive gear back on and peg the con rod to enable the clutch boss to be undone, although it's better to have a proper clutch holding tool of course. (I know...unlikely for one of these old girls)
  18. Call me Paul then Early 125's had points later ones had CDI One of the Haynes manuals is not so good, it's the one with an orange front cover border, if you look at the ig switch it shows as 4 wire only which is plain wrong as we have positions 1 2 and 3 withe key. Cynic put me onto a better manual wich also shows the later version wiring diagram.. it has a brown border and a twinshock picture on the front cover...ISBN 1 85010 300 3
  19. Seems that it hasnt quite left you Take care
  20. No picture mark and this forum is for intros . Thanks
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