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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. its not likely to have an off position, I'm thinking it will be a vacuum operated fuel cock so you'd safely leave it ON all the time
  2. 'Fifth Beatle' would have been a good user name eh? Greetings George
  3. check your air filter is intact...no crubling or splits
  4. Airhead

    The irony of it

    I kinda knew there wasn't when I wrote that, it seems like a good proportion of Audis do have them fitted
  5. Airhead

    The irony of it

    Achhh you should have seen his indicator though!
  6. I'd stick with the original carb unless for some reason it's not useable. Have you got all the original airbox and filter arrangement?
  7. Fit a proper air filter...stocking indeed!..,
  8. you really need to check if the spark has disappeared when it wont restart, perhaps the pulser coil is intermittently faulty? you'd need a workshop manual and a multimeter to check the resistance of this I 'd imagine
  9. or these guys are closer to home so maybe you ring / email them? or try http://www.siriusconinc.com/
  10. Greetings Great bikes the XT's,
  11. I found this if it's any use? http://www.nrp-carbs.co.uk/shop/index.php?route=product/product&path=35&product_id=2742
  12. Well spotted Ray, you're quite right. see it as a fish and fit it in a way that the fish is swimming forwards
  13. Great stuff well done with that
  14. Sorry to hear the sad news Tommy, RIP Chunk.
  15. I'd hacksaw it out, nothing unusual about this happening with these old DT's
  16. It's a heap..scrap it oh I forgot to say, I need a cylinder barrel
  17. Nigel I'll come round tomorrow night at 10pm and have a look at it, your phone still end with 76?
  18. Greetings shaun, not far from you in Glossop
  19. that's the problem then, is there a broken spoke?
  20. nice one John, doesn't look too bad...is there an engine with it?
  21. bit baffled by that john, how can you drill the nuts off and leave the studs intact...?
  22. Err ...check the tyre pressures
  23. sad news Kev, sorry to hear it mate
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