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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. I'm still on a pumped system kiln, so's Cynic. matter of fact i just re-furbed my pump with new seals after lots of air bubbles in see-through pipe issues.
  2. hope you have a soh gomer coz that's sooo funny.
  3. Cheers for all the hard work Alex...job finished now then.
  4. Good What??? Yes you'd be better off here
  5. Ahh yes I didnt scroll down
  6. Maybe it wasnt meant personally but more general.
  7. Yeah i've seen it Gareth and seen it before on bikes, most likely a badly routed loom. I have no experience of dealing with rusty tanks so wouldnt be able to advise you on that one...its a common problem though. As far as I can tell you remove the rust with some kind of acidic solution and then neutralise it . If it leaks you have to coat it. Mervin and Cynic have experience of this. I dont know what dent for wires you are referring to but it looks in great shape so its worh asking the seller about the condition...have you a parts manual?
  8. I would be happy with 30:1 and thats still oily, oils are better nowadays...see what the others think as for main jet and a nice colour plug chop...if you never ride full throttle it wont even come into play as it will be regulated by the needle taper and clip position. Have you plug chopped it full throttle...perhaps it wont be crisp at that load? 160 does sound a bit of a jump from 140
  9. Looks cheap if it's the right one...ask about postage http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/75-76-YAMAHA-RS100-RS-100-REAR-FENDER-MUDGUARD-/380268563256
  10. That was quick...is it the one you were offered earlier?
  11. Greetings dave, so if this is your intro to the forum You speak as though there are many pipes, isnt it just one large pipe from the petrol tap to the carb and one small pipe from the oil pump output to the carb?
  12. Are you doing a restoration on it or just getting it running again?
  13. Greetings yaminbits what bantam do you have then and do you use it?
  14. Great news Andy...well done
  15. funny you shold ask that I had my tacho cable disconnected today. As you know I sold my DTR and for that matter never had the cables disconnected. However getting back to today and the DTMX tacho cable...it's fed upeards from the bottom
  16. http://www.ddgraphics.co.uk/index.php/cPath/2_24?osCsid=0a13c914fa2448971613290617b7cf82elID=9029
  17. I would think they are still available, I can recommend Terry Silvesters to order and mail it to you, they usually have a very fast turn around. The part number is 90240-12059 http://www.silvestermx.com/page2.htm
  18. There are 2 flats on the head of the pin...get some help to try drifting it out you will need someone to hold it steady. Place the flats between the jaws of a strong vise but dont tighten onto it, this will support the swing arm. heres my nipple...well one of em !
  19. If all else fails you will have to saw it off and then drift it later, note there are special washers either side with integral plastic seals...these are unavailable now so just warning you...heat will damage them. It happened to mine many years ago so I fitted a new pin and a grease nipple in the centre of the shock bush
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