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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. That's just what I was thinking too
  2. I'm not familiar with the model but...could it be a fuel pump priming?
  3. mods still cant view and act on reports Alex
  4. Welcome back Carl, you've got a lot of catching up to do
  5. yeah I thought the sky was very blue...move back...are you mad?
  6. That's the last we'll see of him then!
  7. we don't...but even so, Alex feels he should guard them !
  8. Good move, you'll not lose any money on the stroker... I'd fit an alarm, they are really sought after
  9. nice work Nigel, I bought an MT5 back in the 80,s, slowest thing ever imaginable! so is the DTX your transport now, did ya sell the 4 banger?
  10. Airhead

    New classics?

    I beg your pardon
  11. Airhead

    New classics?

    I once wanted to become an atheist, but I gave up - they have no faith holidays back to work tomorrow folks
  12. choke on, little or no throttle is the best way...might be worth checking your sparkplug gap
  13. Like it Shaun, well done it was good to read about.
  14. GWS Andrew whatever it is
  15. Sounds good Harry...Pun intended Everything helps, especially parking in safe places
  16. Greetings fletcherman, yeah the serrow is the perfect bike, enough power and very lightweight, they're very sought after
  17. yeah not far from me, shocking images indeed
  18. on the connecting block to the speedo you will see a Black/Green wire that is connected to nothing, apparently from what I have read you snip this wire away from the block and connect it to a good earth on a frame bolt etc, you may have to extend it a little. DEP exhausts look great but keep it clean or it wont look great for long
  19. he's camping with bippo and dirtydt
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