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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. wow you certainly did it on the cheap and with rattle cans...fair play to you, just show what can be done any front and back shots?
  2. and hello to you mike very nice Graham, bet that cost a few bob
  3. love the styling Graham, did you do it all yersen?
  4. you could try cleaning the light switch contacts if you havent done so already
  5. good i'll buy you a butty at the showcase
  6. I know where youre coming from there, luckily my commute is all lit. The problem seems to me to have gotten worse with the trend of fitting bloody adjustable headlamps in cars, I bet most people havent a clue about how to set them and dont consider oncoming drivers / riders
  7. yeah I would stich with simplicity, just red and white leds, no need for the fancy stuff and I agree that plugging in is not good so forget the brake lights etc
  8. But its a helmet OT ? are you going next sat toy run?
  9. steve get a manual it will be in there http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HAYNES-WORKSHOP-MANUAL-YAMAHA-RS100-RXS100-RS125-USED-/150691273301?pt=UK_CarParts_Vehicles_Manuals_Litterature_ET&hash=item2315e65a55
  10. alex at first I laughed and thought Oh Dear! but you know something...thats a good idea and i'm amazed no one has done it yet!, someone may make some money out of this soon and I hope if they do...you will get some
  11. you got a spare throttle cable NEO ? hope its a genuine one because the pattern ones I tried recently were useless...oil pulley cable the wrong length, more than one manufacturer, unable to align the pulley to the pin!!! Pattern brake and clutch seem OK but I tend to buy genuine if I can, funny the throttle cable is one thing I dont have as spare...almost never see them on ebay, ...genuine ones !!
  12. yeah suspect head gasket or crank seals
  13. looks right to me Ian, I wouldnt worry too much about that
  14. that tiny hole is a bit of a concern, at full throttle the flow is not exactly slow...sure it isnt blocked?
  15. Happy birthday kishan, dont drink too much rockstar fella you'll never sleep
  16. missed your link Tony, yes I would do the same before anything drastic like drilling, Ian can you make up you minimum order with other stuff?
  17. sounds good to me Ian, use a new drill that hasnt been sharpened by hand, then it will be dead on and some aradite rapid. Thats what i'd do with it, Oh and leave a shoulder at the bottom of the hole for the spigot to butt against, take care zinc is very soft and may tend to pull the drill in if drilling by hand, pillar drill would be better!
  18. so no spare santa suit for me kev
  19. you didnt read my option 1?...I may be able to find some old spokes...I'll let ya know
  20. http://www.ebay.co.u...984.m1439.l2649 ........my latest...very nice I have just stopped!
  21. I have more spares than is healthy,
  22. i'm sure you could do them yourself with a little reading of a tutorial...is it that tuto you saw then? nice as the spare wheels are NEO they are not original rims, I had them built years ago...it's a long story but in the end I wanted original ones. perhaps plan option 1+3 ?
  23. That'll keep you busy for a while Pat, be nice to see it shining again and you having some fun on it...you must video it when its done
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