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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. greetings tesco boy, 250 sounds a great size, I remember them when they were commonplace Try Fowlers of Bristol, perhaps they could help?
  2. the mosquito was keeping an eye on your fuel consumption yes water in the carb could cause missfire issues without doubt...fingers crossed
  3. you could always mask off the brake area and spray with engine/exhaust/bbq black you must have some of this stuff?
  4. even if it did stick Pat would it stay? I suppose it depends on how much heat is developed from braking...probably not much I would think with such a light bike
  5. make sure the new photo isnt too big Geo
  6. use an anchor bolt tighten up in the bearing and drift out through the wheel, its often very difficult to move the spacer enough to get a decent hit on the bearing, this way solves that
  7. good one ian, nice to see you mobile again, yeah super glue n gaffer tape will do it while you keep an eye on ebay?
  8. yes YZ80A 1974 Frame number 462-0000101 through 462-0100000
  9. Greetings John, first bike eh watch the L plates dont fall off!
  10. good man tom , how about some pics of your classics
  11. Airhead

    help needed

    still might be the pump eh?
  12. Airhead

    help needed

    youre right no you should not need choke when its warm, cant you demonstrate the problem to the dealer...they are just fobbing you off!
  13. Airhead

    help needed

    maybe a fuel pump problem? dont know much about these bikes but I have heard issues with fuel pumps but it usually manifests itelf on sunny days, but thats not to say this isnt also a pump problem Can you 'hear' the pump when the key is turned? Then can you hear it when the trouble starts?
  14. Airhead

    help needed

    i cant see anything
  15. it could be black from all the failed starting attempts, get her going and see how the new one fares
  16. check for loose connections, does the horn work intemittently also?
  17. nice Pat what did you use to clean it with?
  18. Greetings Grime, so you work in the 'city' then you you should buy a bike with all the bells and whistle from your bonus this year
  19. Good plan Pete smear it with anything you have thats greasy it doesnt really matter, you just want the new gasket to absorb some grease to keep it supple and prevent it sticking to the cases. Smear the case face with grease and make an imprint on the card, you will see where to cut out and punch
  20. depends on the spark plug size, I have no idea what a ybr size is, any motorcycle shops nearby should be able to sort you out, no need for a high tech chrome plated one with bells and whistles, you need to know your plug size...try googling it!
  21. haha... good ones I heard about a guy who just started his own business in Afghanistan. He's making land mines that look like prayer mats. It's doing well, he says. Prophets are going through the roof.
  22. Greetings deetee65 and I usually point people to here in a more gentle manner myself
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