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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Blimey bippo, that's a shock. good luck with it
  2. not sure what you mean by leaking at the fitting jeff, I was pointing you towards the seal on the pump drive shaft and if that pops out your 2 stroke oil finds its way into the gearbox not the crankcase, come back here if you struggle with the tubes inside of the pump housing.
  3. unscrew the HT cap and try cutting about a centimetre of HT lead off before screwing it back on?
  4. yes indeed, something to check then, along with the pv orientation and the cables not too tight...that's all I can suggest
  5. research it, it even talks of it in the thread you linked
  6. Ahh right so with that one it's either right or a full 180 degrees out...didn't know about the punch mark indicator. anyway...what about it turning the wrong way? does your model have that wire that must be grounded out to perform properly? well is it?
  7. looking back at that old thread you linked I'd say the pv should rotate anti-clockwise with increasing engine speed, thus open up the port BTW what shape is the end of the pv where the pulley attaches to it?
  8. http://www.ebay.fr/itm/Pot-dechappement-pour-Yamaha-125-DTMX-2A8-/141979035978?hash=item210e9c294a:g:W5QAAOSwh-1W6pMI
  9. jeff, first thing check the oil level in the gearbox, has the level increased there?
  10. Airhead

    2007 TDR 125

    dunno Ian but widen your search to DT125RE Perhaps they are the same...I would think so
  11. always best to mention the bike model in the title...?
  12. Not sure if it will do for the 125 though? I was going to say, check in the manual for the resistance values of the HT coils and the stator coils in the engine...and check them
  13. I'd investigate the HT coil sparking to ground some more...do some more in the dark tests to see how much it's doing that...it shouldn't happen...ever! Try cutting a centimetre off the end of both HT leads where they join the plug caps
  14. see you there John, camping up the top again then...save me a space if you get there first see you Saturday Paul
  15. did you try a push start AKA 'Bump Start' ? should be easy enough with a 125 twin
  16. Clarify " it wants to start, but spark is delayed ie I hit start button and about half a second later there is a spark." what's the fine detail of this statement? wants to start? how do you know it sparks at all...is the plug out and resting on the engine?
  17. yes and it would smoke white, smell bad...and possibly you'd smell petrol in the oil
  18. where are you wessie,? I made a gadget for leak testing once
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