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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. well at least its a lot better than 200 jeannette, sorry it all anded this way it's a shame you couldnt get it fixed up again. If you get another Yamaha pop back and show us eh
  2. looks in great shape for the chassis, so did you rattle can it?
  3. a fabric strap probably wont be man enough, I dont know the setting for yours though it will be in the workshop manual, as a guide though my DT175 is 40 lb/ft
  4. Greetings ben and , great little bikes the DTR's are...will look in on your project thread
  5. it probably hadnt been torqued up properly, often the way when people start tinkering!
  6. Its worth a heck of a lot more than £200 Jen, but youre in a bit of a fix if you havent got the skills to fix it up
  7. well youre in a better place than me as I dont have the diagrams that you have
  8. welcome back chairmouse, bet you wish you still had the GT250
  9. is this it? a YJ1 or YJ2? http://www.google.co...iw=1024&bih=516 http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=yamaha+yj1&um=1&hl=en&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4GGLL_enGB401GB402&biw=1024&bih=516&tbm=isch&tbnid=yuAnahMbTROygM:&imgrefurl=http://motorcycle-specs.com/searchtype2.asp%3Ftype%3Dstandard%26year%3D1964&docid=Y2LzxtY50NKXTM&imgurl=http://www.motorcycle-specs.com/general/Yamaha_YJ2_1964.jpg&w=799&h=598&ei=eSEwUNLLIMaW0QWTpYDgDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=717&vpy=158&dur=7766&hovh=194&hovw=260&tx=165&ty=122&sig=114155549133742955473&page=4&tbnh=150&tbnw=213&start=32&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:32,i:187
  10. what is the vin number Ray, perhaps that may help ?
  11. Hi munson, download a user manual here, Greetings and http://www.yamaha-motor.eu/uk/services/owner-manuals/index.aspx
  12. It sounds like it may be a neutral selector that you have broken randy http://www.ytcn.nl/archief/Archief/Yamaha%20Parts%20Manuals%20ALL%201950-1996/DT/DT2_RT2_DT3_RT3.PDF
  13. yeah kelum, naturally the vacuum pipe ends should be a good tight fit or you will lose vac, sort tthis out and see where that gets you
  14. How about emailing TY Trials, they are real friendly and it goes without saying...they will know lots about the subject. It says on their home page...any questions just ask... Worth knowing too in case you need any stuff for the little bike http://www.tytrials.co.uk/
  15. Airhead

    My Wedding PIcs

    Great pics Keith, congratulations to you both...I was 24 when I tied the knot too
  16. have you done any check of the fuel pump? Thats in the manual too...just dont see how this can be all that serious, I'm not familiar with this bike ...is the fuel tank outlet higher than the carb fuel feed spigot...any chance you could temporarily run a tube direct ? Did you examine the carb diaphragm for cracks / Tears when you had the carb apart?
  17. Try selecting neutral from 2nd gear when still moving and coasting to a stop, theres absolutely no need to go down to 1st
  18. Greetings and vaughan Them RD's are really nice I can see thay are both prize winners and th old DT is in great shape too eh we have already 'met' in a virtual kind of way
  19. Crickey lets hope learns from this, glad to hear he's OK mastiff...
  20. love that usb scope NEO
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