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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Greetings blindmelon, it might be a tiddler but it smells reet ha
  2. if the capacitor is wet with fuel/oil then the left crank seal is suspect
  3. check the capacitor isnt shorting from wire to case using a multimeter, the reading should build up to infinite resistance (20M Ohm range)
  4. do the easy stuff first before you start delving, after all you did say compression was good. WD40 and new plug = easy
  5. is compression ok? have you sprayed the HT lead and coil with WD40? Try a new plug even if you do have a spark with the one fitted!
  6. OK has the bike got a carburettor? If it has then try draining the float bowl there may be water in there
  7. Drewpys snowman will be appearing soon on a screen near you
  8. Back in the day they all had pedals, if it didnt...you had to wait until you were 17! anyway it was a field bike mine was...was a hoot
  9. 2 cans will last for years, dont spray it on the bike, spray it into the aerosol cap and brush it on. Keep it away from disk brakes
  10. First bike Steve, you know how it is, you of all people know Best 50p I ever spent....and sold it for £8
  11. yep, salt will eat your bike...keep an eye on it!
  12. leave the plug out overnight and try again tomorrow
  13. Great choice sparky, that bike will hold it's value very well if you look after it
  14. Hey LP try a little blip of the throttle just at the moment you pull the clutch, it will match the engine speed to the lower gear and change easily
  15. With assistance try putting the bike in a high gear and getting someone to sit on it and hold on the brakes, not a great method it places the crank under twisting stress...but no tools required. or find chain filter wrench...can it really be that hard? NOTE*** Check Capacity*** http://www.tengtools.com.au/chain-filter-wrench.html
  16. Thats the trouble with panniers!
  17. Greetings laydeepunch and The YBR's are great little bikes arent they
  18. no it's at the trafford centre beef, the one a manchester central (formerly Gmex) is up and running again now as well, but I reckon the trafford centre one is better having seen both
  19. Airhead

    1st bike help

    so your bike is a 2007 bike eh? well if its been used a lot and stored outdoors theres every chance that only the experienced will be able to remove those screws, by all means have a go but dont spoil them if they resist your efforts...get help
  20. Airhead

    So dam true!

    I always thought I had a birth mark on my arse, Turns out to be a cigar burn after all Hows about that then OG
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