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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Yeah thats good oil Steven, whats it for then...a change or to top up...either way i wouldnt lose any sleep over
  2. Greetings Allison and Yeah come on in, no need to be a
  3. 1: you need to bleed your oil pump! To do this, undo the small philips head screw at the top of the pump, when it stops blowing bubbles and a steady stream of oil flows replace the screw 2: you need to prime the oil line! To do this (when you get the bike running again) Start the engine and pull up the cable to the oil pump (Gently) until it comes to a stop, this will open up the pump pulley and allow the pump to stroke fully so the line to the carb or intake will be quickly filled with oil, if you have a clear tube you will see it
  4. Greetings fazl well done on fixing your bike
  5. Yep, thoroughly enjoyable as always, though the DT was going to let me down bit it seems to have perked up just in time...good to see you guys me n drewpy and a beef sandwich
  6. Greetings tigerwow you still have greenlanes down there...shhh dont let the ramblers know! Greetings and yeah you bought the wrong 250 dohh
  7. well either you have 5 gears or someone downgeared the sprockets then!
  8. I had 80 downhill on a motorway, only once though I just wanted to see it off the clock :0 I'm far too sypathetic a rider normally and would be happy at 65 most of the time, after all those bikes have the frontage of a barn door!!!
  9. Nice one Ken, dont bother about getting the red off, just sand down any rough spots and key the surface then simply spray it heat resist silver How much did it go for BTW? I sold mine many moons ago mate
  10. well it usually means removing the carb and then removing the float bowl from the carb in order to het at the jets, caution though*** the bowl screws are always tight if they have never been off before and you should use a perfect condition philips (not posidrive) screwdriver of exactly the right size or you will round off the screws and wish you'd asked someone to do it for you! The pilot jet usually sits in a recess and requires again (important) the correct size screwdriver...one slip and its buggered...all of it, yeah I know it's all laden with DOOM but I just dont want you to feck it up see
  11. Hmm thets a new one, you may be able to revive the plugs on the cooker gas ring and a fine wire brush...as for whats causing it? clean air filter? jet size? you do know how to use the choke... haha?
  12. Greetind Phil DTR's are great bikes when they are running
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