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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. I say the battery is duff, charged or not!
  2. Greetings nipper and welcome in
  3. Greetings ST for a moment there I thought you'd be some old geezer from Scotland, Greetings and
  4. yes it could be the rectifier at fault, first unplug it and visually check the plug/socket for corrosion or melting
  5. stand off the bike on the left as you have said, place your righ foot over the stand extension (foot extension) and keeping your foot pressing on this, roll the bike off the stand. The bike will be kept perfectly upright because both stand feet are on the ground. grab the brake and allow the stand up and then get astride. Get someone to help at first until you gain confidence...it's easy see...a question about a virago i can answer
  6. youll find the fuel line from the fuel tank is already attached to the tap...otherwise it cannot be the fuel line from the fuel tank!
  7. Hmm you'll learn eventually to have stuff posted elsewhere
  8. maybe you threw water on some electrics try some WD40 especially on the ignition coil, plug cap and HT lead I bet you didnt put ant-freeze in either.? Perhaps the initial overheat was down to coolant loss...maybe a head gasket gone?...anybodys guess really!
  9. is the pump from the same bike crazy? I've seen a few pump wheels stripped of teeth because of a mis-match between the worm and the gear
  10. mine must be too...cant see how it could be bettered though
  11. replace those crank seals and check the piston wear and rings end gap while you are in there...as well as any bearings that need replacing...and tell you dont want to keep changing the baby because you've grown quite attached to this one...that'll save a bit of time
  12. Just get on with the re-build and all will be well
  13. Ahh yes I see what you mean Sacha...Not sure how that happened! However that is not the part# I posted so with a little investigation?
  14. It took me bloody ages to find that with a picture! and then you say theres no fekking picture so how is it a different one pray tell? http://www.megazip.ru/ru/scooter/yamaha/view/457/13267/157979
  15. Greetings ....bro and That looks fun, any quality 2 stroke oil will do...just make sure the pump is present and correct as for tuning & settings...why? just get it going as a standard bike and see how you feel then
  16. ask a yamaha dealer for a price and part number foamy
  17. no mate i'm here but I guess i just dont know about virago engine bars
  18. its been so cold it might have been a drop of water that froze into ice and opened the float valve it's jst a guess because you dont suddenly go from being ok to this situation! you should run a bit of fuel out of the tank it will bring the water with it if there is some, and leave the plug out so the flooded engine will evaporate away...then try again after a day or so. While you have the carb in bits examine the seating of the float valve to see if it's worn ..a visible wear ring around it
  19. well lesson learned, always switch it off from now on lol
  20. Possibly this foamy 5J0-84551-20-33 This may be useful http://www.megazip.ru/ru/scooter/yamaha/view/457/13368/159946
  21. you mean all the petrol in the tank leaked out...so you left the tap ON ?
  22. The oil is cold, in fact it's bloody freezing...clutch drag is normal with a cold engine
  23. send Paul Dawkins a PM Gary
  24. I have a gunsons tachostrobe xenon timing light, it's old though lol
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