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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Happy new year all Yamaha Owners Club...could I be the last?
  2. Nice, I'd have been dead chuffed with that at 16 but my parents didn't give me any encouragement so at 16 it was all off road for me
  3. post a link mate, the number don't work? !
  4. I'd rather grill chops
  5. great stuff, whats the ebay number I wanna see it
  6. why not strip your forks down and confirm they are bent, rather than "I think" ?
  7. i'm with drewpy...two isn't excessive
  8. It's a competition bike, not designed for road use
  9. Nice, gotta be worth that much I've seen DT's go for that
  10. yeah Kev, not much of a beard really...why bother!
  11. if you drove a metal stake into the ground, you'd have driven it into the earth...yeah, then if you ran a cable from your bike and connected to said stake...you'd have earthed it...you'd have also limited the distance you can ride too Merry Xmas Jimmy
  12. yeah it's all a popular misnomer though eh Jimmy, Its neither grounded or earthed (same thing) in reality but it's easier to say than 'connected to chassis' which is all it really is
  13. yeah any wire that looks remotely similar in size will be OK, you say they are screw in...then just put a ring terminal on the wire that the threaded part will pass through
  14. I'd try just grounding them at the indicator clamps first, that's how many were designed in the first place and work just fine. If you do find problems you can get more elaborate with it later
  15. no NEO was dead right at the time he said it. Myself...I missed all of this thread, so hello Pierrick
  16. looks good John shame about the naff lcd speedo
  17. Heres one very cheap to buy you should ask the vendor about UK postage Cynic...is this the right one? http://www.ebay.fr/itm/yamaha-125-dtmx-reservoir-a-huile-1980-et-/201748729624?hash=item2ef9294f18:g:BQoAAOSwQTVWCVrE
  18. good plan, expect nothing and you wont be disappointed
  19. Greetings and Hi to you too, dunno what you should expect though..kinda.depends on what you did
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