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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. yeah I woldnt want to be 'rended' just there
  2. yeah i'm only joking iceni get that oil changed again though
  3. Wow thats lucky, hope he doesnt owe finance you seem to be on the right lines about what to check/change...tyres oil/filter...battery...not much more with an aircooled bike you made a mistake with the car oil you put in, bikes have wet clutches and need bike specific oil...get down to halfords for some 10/40 oil they have an offer on at the moment I think Greetings and
  4. G'day Gobberwart...what does that mean lovin the avatar
  5. thats bloody gorgeous mate, the chrome mudguards can wait it looks just fine the way it is
  6. nice one ollie, cant believe you got it in a car! ...what car? whats the plan for her then?
  7. Greetings bluesman, post up a pic Its a 79 DT175F going off the vin you posted elsewhere
  8. Greetings Helen, good choice of bike elan valley
  9. maybe your silencer is dirty / blocked..is it a standard Yamaha one or an aftermarket? How many miles has the DT done?
  10. no not going off plug colour but actual temperature readings, I've seen that when revs are high on dual carriagway or motorway the temperature never seemed to stop increasing. I checked the crank seals OK put bigger and bigger jets in but never seemed to get a good plug colour or a stop to the ever increasing temperature, so I had to find an answer ...I have a float valve with a stiff spring (nothing wrong with that per se) but that...coupled with a float height more than 21mm made me think that perhaps the fuel level drops enough in these high revving situations to actually uncover the tube that the pilot jet sits in...that would allow air to be drawn in to the intake at that point in time and may be the cause of my overhating...other evidence was a slight 'hanging' of the revs when exiting the fast road/motorway...yeah quite posiible...it's quickly settled...well it would wouldnt it, as the carb fuel level rose again due to the reduced load well thats my theory, I really hope I'm on the right track with this because I'm out of ideas after this Oh another clue is that I have never been able to get a sensible plug colour lately It's always been a bit washed out and not a definite colour, any shade a brown would have been nice but Iv'e seen it brown (ish) but with a whitish on the opposite side even with big jets in high temperatures I have seen 230C after a short blast down the motorway, I actually saw 250C on a long dual carriagway trip during last years 2 stroke day from squires...not funny!!!
  11. It's hard to start so also check the spark...weak and yellow or fat and blue?
  12. ?? what I was saying is the fuel level may be too low
  13. I know about the stiffness of your new float valve compared to the old one nobby I've been going through the same scenario with mine. I have been experiencing overheating problems with mine and I'm counting on it that this is the cause...ie the stiff sprung valve is causing a lower fuel level and at high fuel demand is dropping the level and uncovering the pilot jet housing...to that end I have set a level 2mm difference ie@ 19mm instead of 21mm...all as yet untested because of the feeking weather weve had lately! (Bear in mind that the stated 21mm level has a +/- tolerance of 1.5mm anyway) The differences between mk1 and mk2 are ignition cdi's/stators and airboxe's and carburettors.
  14. Airhead

    Yamaha LS2

    yeah feel free to post it here Dave
  15. me too, so when are you going...do I book time off Friday 5th ?
  16. seems that it is too rich causing difficuly in starting, first confirm this by taking out the air filter not sure whether cynic meant lift the need clip a notch there
  17. Airhead


    Very nice Richard,no work needed with this one then eh ..so how many is it now?
  18. Hard lesson learned there, try not to have the bike facing downhill on the kick stand, if its unavoidable leave it in 1st gear and try to butt the front tyre to a kerb or something
  19. Airhead

    MOD1 bummer1

    hard luck mailee, glad it wasnt this hard when I did mine...better luck next time mate keep at it
  20. Airhead

    1 second

    its all gone tits up anyway...in 2 days time i will be 4 days older than i was 2 days ago
  21. Greetings Aled, she's looking smart fella
  22. dont forget that chains often have a tight spot...you should set your free play at the tight spot of your chain
  23. try undoing and re-fitting the filler cap next time it happens, prhaps the fuel tank isnt venting properly
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